Monday, April 14, 2014

the parables of Jesus: Luke 10:25-37

the parables of Jesus: Luke 10:25-37 by ric gustafson

This parable is known as the tale of the Good Samaritan. Before Jesus tells this story about compassion, an expert in the Law of Moses asks him a question. He asks Jesus " Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?". He simply replied " you're the expert you tell me". The expert quoted from Deuteronomy 6 and then said " Love your neighbor as yourself".
Jesus told him that he had answered correctly. Then Jesus said " do this and you will live".
Then the expert asked " And who is my neighbor?".
Jesus began by saying that a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. The trip was not easy during the seventeen miles. Elevation drops 3,300 feet on the way. This route was nicknamed the Bloody Pass because of the thieves waiting to rob people along the way. Jesus continues by saying that this man was attacked, beaten and left by the side of the road. The man needed help and then he heard footsteps coming. It was a temple priest who quickly left and did not help him. In a while he heard whistling and saw a Levite approaching. He saw the bleeding man, gasped and then hurried on his way. Later, he heard footsteps and then saw a Samaritan approach. Instead of walking away, the Samaritan poured wine on his wounds and then bandaged them. The Samaritan put him on his donkey. He took him to an Inn and told the Innkeeper that he would pay the lodging expense and then any additional costs when he came back.
Jesus looked at the people around him and then asked a simple question. " Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who was left for dead?".
The expert of the Law replied " the one who had mercy on him".
Jesus smiled. " Go and do likewise".
Jesus was implying that anyone in need is my neighbor.

research help: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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