Sunday, April 13, 2014

burgerman page 2

burgerman page 2 by ric gustafson

As I walked past a simple white house with a white fence around it, I could smell the aroma of a grill. It brought back memories of my childhood when my father would grill all summer.
" Good afternoon Rex".
I turned to see a young dark bearded man coming out of the garage holding some grilling tongs.
' How did he know my name' I wondered.
" You look hungry".
My stomach growled again. " I am hungry".
" I'm grilling some burgers". He smiled at me.  " Would you like one?".
My stomach growled again. " Sure".
" Follow me".
I followed him through a white picket fence. As we walked along the side of the house, there was a garden filled with beautiful flowers. We walked into a nice big back yard and then up some steps to a nice one level deck. My mouth watered when I noticed several burgers were on the small Weber grill.
" So Rex, do you like cheese on your burger?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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