Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Oz 2014 page 3

Oz 2014 page 3 by ric gustafson

Part of Oz was Munchkinland. Munchkin County was in the eastern quadrant of the land of Oz. Lyman Frank Baum was of German heritage and two theories about the origin of the name' Munchkin ' has been brought up. The first theory is that the name comes from ' Mannchen' which means a little figure or a small man. The second theory is that it derives from the emblem of the city of Munich which is Munchen in German.
Some facts about the Munchkins is that the actors salary was $50 per week. One hundred and twenty four actors appeared as Munchkins in the film. On November 20 2007, the Munchkins were given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Some of the Munchkins characters in the film included the Mayor, the Barrister, The City Father, the Coroner, The Lullaby League, the Lollipop Guild and Fiddlers.
Next, we will talk about the film compared to Baum's book.

research help: ' the Wizard of Oz' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sunday service at the ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch page 1

Sunday service at the ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch page 1 by ric gustafson

Missy slowly drove the blue Ion into an empty stall. She had been driving around the large parking lot for fifteen minutes trying to find a place to park. She turned off the car and then got out. She waited as her friend was finishing putting on some lipstick.
" Good morning" said a young man who was walking by accompanied by a young female and a baby stroller.
" Good morning". She took out her cell phone and checked the time. " Hurry up Barbara, the service is about to start".
Her friend got out and stared at the crowded parking lot. " Missy, I really don't want to go in".
They both began walking toward a door that was being held open by someone.
They walked through the open doorway. " Good morning ladies" said an older gentleman who gave them a big smile. " The auditorium is just off to your right".
They walked up to a young man who was handing out something. " Here's a bulletin" he said as a young boy next to him nervously shook their hands. " Enjoy the service".
They walked in. " Missy, I don't know about this".
" You promised".
" Ok".
They found two open seats in the back and quickly sat down.

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Oz 2014 page 2

Oz 2014 page 2 by ric gustafson

Lyman Frank Baum was born in 1856. He wrote a story between the spring of 1898 and the fall of 1899. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was published in 1900 and was an instant hit. Baum began writing for children later in life when he was in his forties. Before that, he tried various jobs including a chicken breeder, actor, newspaper man and a china salesman. Because of his failures doing other things, he was surprised at the success of the book. He went on to write thirteen sequels as well as fifty other children books under different names.
People have tried over the years to speculate how ideas for Oz came to Baum. It is possible that events and things in Baum's life at the time might have influenced his writing of Oz. Death was a theme in Baum's story and that was prevalent in Baum's own life. Four of Baum's siblings died in infancy and ten of his cousins. One of Baum's nieces, Dorothy Gage died in 1898 while he was writing the story. Growing up in upstate New York, Baum was surrounded by farmland and woods. As a child, he had a recurring nightmare that a wild scarecrow was chasing him. In 1988, his family moved to Aberdeen Dakota Territory. Being surrounded by homesteads out on the Great Plains could have been the inspiration for the Kansas homestead of Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. In 1890, a huge tornado caused major damage in Aberdeen and could have influenced the tornado in Baum's story. Baum moved to Chicago right before the 1893 Chicago's World Fair. A group of white buildings called the White City lighted the area with bright light. The buildings turned out to be fake and were only made of plaster and cement not marble. This combination of beauty and fake could have influenced the idea of the Emerald City.
Next, we will take a look at the Munchkins.

research help: ' The Wizard of Oz' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 28, 2014

Oz 2014 page 1

Oz 2014 page 1 by ric gustafson

In this page, we will talk about the ruby slippers. There were four pairs of ruby slippers used in the film that were found in the basement of MGM's wardrobe department. The big mystery over all these years is what happened to each of those four pairs. Pair number 1 was in a 1970 MGM auction and is believed to be in the Smithsonian Institution. Pair number 2 has been auctioned off twice, once for $150,000 and once for 666,000. Pair number 3 was auctioned three times and is in the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences museum. Pair number 4 was stolen from the Judy Garland museum in 2005. Six to seven pairs were rumored to have been made for the film.
The original color of the ruby slippers were silver and then Louis B Mayer decided to make the slippers colored. Sequins were used to adorn the actual slippers.
Next we will talk about the man who created Oz, Lyman Frank Baum

research help: ' The Wizard Of Oz' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 26, 2014

the shopping list page 3

the shopping list page 3 by ric gustafson

Missy put the sack of potatoes on the belt. " Barbara, please come with me".
Her friend put the package of steak on the belt. " I have felt uncomfortable with the whole thing from the very beginning.
The cashier began ringing up their purchases.
Missy put the bottled water and the bag of salad on the belt. " I know because you are a Christian".
Barbara put the grapes and strawberries on the belt. " Atheists do not believe in God".
Missy found out what the purchase cost and opened her wallet. " I'm still curious".
She swiped her credit card and then signed. She got the receipt and put it into her purse along with her wallet.
They began to push the cart toward the door. " Barbara, please come with me on Sunday".
" Ok".

The End

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 25, 2014

the shopping list page 2

the shopping list page 2 by ric gustafson

Barbara put a bag of salad into the cart. " Why do you want to go to that atheist church anyway?".
Missy glanced at her shopping list. " I need to find bottled water".
They went into the juice aisle. She saw the bottled water on the left. " When I drank that Ginormous Juice at the store, I noticed warmth in my lower back".
" And you think the juice did that?".
She put a case of the bottled water into the cart. " I don't know, all I know is that my back immediately felt better". She glanced at the list. " We need steak next".
" I think it's at the back of the store".
Missy found the meat section.
" I thought you were going to the New Year's Eve service".
Missy put a package of steak into the cart.
" I really would like you to go with me".
Barbara looked at the list. " That's all you have on your list".
Missy smiled. " Let's go".
They walked toward the checkout line.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Moses page 26

Moses page 26 by ric gustafson

" They are coming" screamed a man as he ran past Moses. " Pharaoh and his chariots are about here".
A woman yelled at Moses. " Why did you lead us out to this place to die?".
Moses stepped onto a large rock and spoke in a loud voice. " The Lord will fight for you and deliver you from the Egyptians". He closed his eyes to pray. " O God, deliver your people".
The voice answered. " Raise your staff and the Sea will divide".
Terrified people ran past Moses.
" Take the people to the other side on dry ground and I will take care of the Egyptians".
Moses raised his staff and the water parted just as God promised. " Children of the Heavenly Lord, let us go through the middle of the Sea".
People started walking reluctantly over the now dry ground and saw the wall of water on each side. When the people had reached half way across, Moses noticed that Pharaoh's chariots had reached the entrance to the Sea.
" Hurry, let us get to the other side".
Pharaoh, who was in the lead chariot, pointed to the dry ground. " Let's go through the dry ground and reclaim the slaves that were ours".
A man pointed into the distance. " Moses, Pharaoh and his chariots are about upon us".
The people reached the other side safely.
Moses watched as Pharaoh and his chariots reached the half way point. He heard God's voice. " It is time".
Moses raised his staff and the Sea closed up.
Pharaoh and all of his chariots and men drowned.

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the shopping list page 1

the shopping list page 1 by ric gustafson

Missy walked through the sliding steel door and put her small blue purse into an empty cart. She opened it and then frantically rifled through it. " Where is it?" she exclaimed as she began to pull things out.
Her friend Barbara walked in. " Missy, what's wrong?".
" I can't find my shopping list" she said out loud as frustration began to settle in. She took out her wallet and began to look in that.
Barbara took out a small piece of paper. " Does your list start with steak and potatoes?".
" You found it" Missy exclaimed as she took the piece of paper. " Thank you".
They walked with the cart through the other sliding door and immediately noticed the produce section.
Missy noticed a strawberry display. " I have strawberries on my list". She put a one pound carton into the cart. " Oh, I found a website for that church".
" What church is that?".
" The ' Who Cares About God' Megachurch".
" Missy, that's an atheist church".
She put a bag of green grapes into the cart. " I know". She put a package of organic tomatoes into the cart. " I'm still curious about it".
" I told you, I did not want to go".
" Their website said that they had a service on Sunday".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Moses page 25

Moses page 25 by ric gustafson

Jafari walked in as Pharaoh paced back and forth. He was sad and nervous because his son had died and now a mere shepherd had taken his slaves and his destiny. He looked at his High Priest. " Jafari, where is he taking them?".
" Sire, my spies have reported that the Hebrews have reached the Red Sea". The High Priest of Ammon-Ra smiled. " We can use that for our advantage".
" What do you mean?".
" Your Highness, they are at a dead end". He grinned. " Your mighty army can bring them back again".
Pharaoh's sad eyes became alive again. " Yes" he said with glee as he clapped his hands. " Jafari, get my captains and chariots ready".
Smiling, the High Priest left knowing that he would get his revenge.

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day

Earth Day by ric gustafson

Earth scriptures and Earth Day facts.

John 3:12- ' If I have told you earthly things and ye believe not how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things'.

A running faucet wastes about 2.5 gallons of water a minute.
Nearly 75 percent of all water used in a household is used in the bathroom
Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth twice a day can save up to 240 gallons of water a month.
A full bathtub uses 70 gallons of water. A five minute shower uses 10-25 gallons of water
More than 73 percent of all newspapers are recycled
Americans use 100 million tin and steel cans a day.

John 3:31- ' He that cometh from above is above all, he that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth, he that cometh from heaven is above all'.

The earth is the Lord's and we need to do all that we can to preserve and protect it

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Moses page 24

Moses page 24 by ric gustafson

As Moses and Aaron walked along the dusty road, they noticed that the people were celebrating and singing. Up ahead, Moses observed a large pillar of dust which seemed to be leading them on their way.
" Moses " Aaron said as dust from the walking was clouding the procession. " Why are we heading toward the Red Sea?".
" God directed me to lead the people along the wide route to avoid the land of the Philistines".
" Because they are not used to freedom".
" That's right Aaron".
The Elders had stopped walking and were resting against a big rock. " We need to find out from Moses how he intends to lead us to this new land".
One of the Elders wiped sweat from his face. " Yes, we need to have a meeting with him".
One of the Elders had fear on his face. " I fear that Pharaoh will bring his army and destroy us".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 21, 2014

Moses page 23

Moses page 23 by ric gustafson

" Please sit down" Moses said as the Elders were summoned for a meeting. All twelve tribes were represented along with Caleb and Joshua.
" Listen to my instructions" he said as he gave them a serious look. " We must do everything according to plan"."
" What are those instructions Moses?" asked one of the Elders.
" On the tenth day of the month, each family shall take a lamb that is one year old without defect and at twilight on the fourteenth day, it must be slaughtered".
" Then what Moses?".
" You are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes".
" Why is that?".
" God is going to pass through Egypt and strike down the firstborn  who do not have the blood on their doors".
That night of the Lord's Passover, the Hebrews stayed in their homes and the cry of the Egyptians filled the night.
During the night, Moses was summoned to Pharaoh's private chamber.
The next morning, the Hebrews heard a familiar voice.
It was Moses. " Come, redemption is here".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 6

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 6 by ric gustafson

David blew on his gloved hands as the bus slowly stopped. He shivered thinking that this was one of the coldest Decembers he could remember. The door opened, he stepped inside and then took off his gloves. He put them into a pocket of his dark parka and then took out five quarters from a pant pocket. He put them into the machine and then heard the familiar clink, clink, clink, clink and clink.
He quietly walked back to his normal seat and sat down. He took out a black pocket bible and turned to the book of Psalms. He knew that he had to start studying for his bible study that was tonight.
" Excuse me".
He looked up to see a young female with a large red stocking cap covering her face. She slowly took it off to reveal that it was Zoie.
" Aren't you the one at work who brings in our office mail?".
Knowing he could not hide, David knew the time had come.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, April 20, 2014

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 5

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 5 by ric gustafson

David and Roger sat down as Mr Fredrickson took his seat. " Ok, it looks like everyone is here".
" David, were you able to talk to her?".
" No". He frowned at his friend. " I was going to when this big guy with red hair walked in".
" That must of been Red Mascall from Finance".
" Can I have it quiet please?" he said as he looked at David and Roger. " What I'm about to say is very important". He smiled. " I'm going to retire in six weeks".
David snickered. " What are you going to do in retirement Mr Fredrickson?".
" Actually, I'm moving back to my hometown" he said with a grin. " I bought the local bowling alley so I will be busy".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Pearly Gates Processing Center page 1

the Pearly Gates Processing Center page 1 by ric gustafson

Dismas walked up to the angel who was stamping papers on a desk. " Have a seat".
" Thank you". He sat down in an open chair. " I'm not sure why I am here".
" Do you remember where you were last?".
" Yes, I was being executed on a cross". He hesitated. " I was losing consciousness".
" Then what happened?".
" I could hear my friend Gestas criticizing the man between us".
" What did you do?".
" I told him that this man was innocent and had done no wrong".
" Then what did you do?".
" I turned my head and simply asked him to remember me when he comes into his kingdom".
" Then what happened?".
" He softly replied and here I am".
" Can you tell me what led to the point where you were on the cross?".
Dismas grinned and thought for a moment. " Sure".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 19, 2014

the parables of Jesus: Matthew 18: 21-35

the parables of Jesus: Matthew 18: 21-35 by ric gustafson

Six verses before this story, Jesus was teaching on confronting one's offender. Peter then asks Jesus " Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?". He thought he was being generous by saying up to seven times. But in the next verse, Jesus says not seven times but seventy seven times.
Jesus starts the story by saying that the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. First, a man who owed ten thousand talents was brought before him. At first, the king was going to have him, his wife, children be sold to repay the debt. The servant fell on his knees before him.  He begged that he would pay it all back. The king took mercy on him, canceled the debt and let him go.
After this, the servant went out and found a servant who owed him a hundred denarii. He yelled at him to pay back what he owed him. The servant fell at his feet and begged for more time to pay it back. Instead, the servant had the man thrown into prison until the debt was paid. Friends of the servant went to the king and told him what had happened. The servant was hauled back before the king and he called him a wicked servant. He forgave his debt but he would not forgive someone else's debt. He turned the servant over to the jailer's until the debt was paid.
Jesus is teaching us that God will treat us like this unless we forgive our brother from the heart.

research help: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 4

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 4 by ric gustafson

David stood in the doorway holding a bundle of envelopes.
Zoie picked up the phone on the first ring. " Mr Ferguson's office". She smiled at David. " I will help you with that Mr Freeman".
' Talk to her' David thought to himself as he walked up to the desk.
" I'll take care of that right away Mr Freeman". She put down the phone and noticed that David was standing right next to her desk.
He put the bundle into her incoming mail tray.
All of a sudden, a young man with a head full of red hair hurridly walked in. He noticed David. " Who are you?".
David quickly walked out.
Red Mascall looked at Zoie. " Who was that?".
" He started bringing in our office mail". The phone began to ring. " I think he works in the mail room".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 46

Lent 2014 day 46 by ric gustafson

Luke 23:53- ' Taking it down, he wrapped it in a linen cloth and laid it in a tomb carved out of the rock in which no one had ever been buried'.

Executed criminals typically did not have a decent burial. Joseph of Arimathea  was a Sanhedrin priest  and a member of the council. He was a believer and asked Pilate for Jesus's body for burial. He removed the body from the cross himself, wrapped it in linen and laid it in his own tomb. Because of his compassion, Jesus had a proper burial. Because of his act of kindness to the Son of God, his name has gone down in history. The tomb would become a symbol of hope for the world.
Jesus, open my eyes so that my kindness and mercy can serve you.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 18, 2014

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 3

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 3 by ric gustafson

" She doesn't even know who I am" David exclaimed sadly as he tossed the large envelope into the yellow mail cart. " I've never even talked to her".
His friend Roger Ascot put a bundle of mail into David's cart. " You ride the bus with her everyday and you have never said one word to her".
" I feel nervous around her" was his reply as he began to sort new mail. " I wouldn't know what to say".
" Her name is Zoie Malone and she is Mr Ferguson's secretary".
His friend smiled. " Guess who is the new office that we are delivering to starting today?".
" Who?".
" Dwaine Ferguson's on 6th floor".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 45

Lent 2014 day 45 by ric gustafson

Mark 15:39- ' When the centurion , who stood facing Jesus saw how he died, he said " this man was certainly God's Son".

The people had been waiting for a Messiah to rescue them. Jesus the Messiah did come. Angels announced his birth and he healed people. The rulers of Israel thought he was a political nuisance. He was scorned and died a criminal's death.
When Jesus died, the sky became dark and the temple curtain was torn into two. The centurion watched all this and then realized that this man was God's Son.
This was the darkest day in the history of the world.
Jesus, I pray that you will grant me a sinner your mercy and grace.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lent 2014 day 44

Lent 2014 day 44 by ric gustafson

Luke 23:42- ' Then he said " Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom".

Jesus was hanging in shame from a criminal's cross.
The thief next to him scorned him. " Aren't you the Christ? save yourself and us".
The other thief recognized the divinity of Jesus. He knew that Jesus had done nothing wrong. Then he simply asked Jesus to remember him.
Jesus promised him a place in paradise. This simple thief had incredible faith.
I pray that Jesus will remember me and that I will be with him forever in paradise.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 2

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 2 by ric gustafson

He blew on his gloved hands as he gazed to the west. ' Boy, I hope it comes quickly" David thought as he stamped his feet. He stamped his feet to try and keep them warm. He grinned as he noticed the large white bus approach. It stopped and the large door opened.
" Good morning" David said to the driver. He took off his dark winter gloves and reached inside his pant pocket. He pulled out a rumpled dollar bill and a quarter. He smiled and put them in the slot.
The driver grinned, closed the door and then the bus lurched forward.
As he slowly walked toward the rear of the bus, he saw her. She was sitting in the same seat and was writing in a journal or something like that.
He sat down in a seat opposite her chair and looked out the window.
She had long blonde hair and was wearing a red winter coat.
Even though she had been riding the bus for a while, David did not have the courage to talk to her.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 1

the two suitors of Zoie Malone page 1 by ric gustafson

David Marks swallowed the last of his buttered wheat toast as he watched the morning weatherman talk about the forecast.
" The high today is only going to be 2 degrees". He pointed at the screen. " So dress warmly as you go out the door".
He walked quietly into the small kitchenette and poured himself another cup of coffee. ' I wish I was more of a morning person' he thought as he put one more slice of Rotella Wheat into the small black toaster. As he waited, he yawned. ' I'm just not a morning person' came the thought as he remembered the commercial where people were dancing around because it was morning.
He yawned again as the toast popped up. He buttered it and then glanced at the clock that was built into the stove. " Wow, look at the time" he exclaimed out loud as it read 5:50. " I need to leave".
He turned off the coffeemaker and poured out the remains of his cup into the kitchen sink. He walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He put on his heavy coat and then picked up the remote.
" Stay warm and have a great Monday" the young forecaster said.
David turned off the TV and then quickly left the apartment. He did not want to miss his bus.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

burgerman page 4

burgerman page 4 by ric gustafson

Rex stared at the plate of burgers in front of him as his stomach growled again. He reluctantly turned to the young man. " Ok".
The young man kneeled and set the plastic basin next to Rex's worn tennis shoes. He took off his shoes and socks and put his weary feet into the warm water. He carefully washed off all the grime of years of walking homeless on the downtown streets. When he had finished, he lifted his feet and wiped them off with the towel that he had around him.
Rex put back on his tennis shoes and socks. " Thank you, no one has ever done that for me".
" You're welcome". The young man smiled. " Let's eat".
Rex and the young man sat down and enjoyed the burgers, chips and ice water.
When they had finished, the young man took the dinner plates into the kitchen. He came back out and noticed Rex was glancing at his watch.
" I need to go".
The young man gave Rex a big hug. " Remember Rex, always be a servant to others and be willing to wash their feet".
" Ok" was his reply as he walked down the steps of the deck. " Thanks for the burgers".
" You are welcome Rex".
As he walked through the white picket fence to the street, Rex still pondered how the young man knew his name.
Jesus smiled and then walked back into the house.

The End

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Moses page 22

Moses page 22 by ric gustafson

Jambres was summoned before Pharaoh. He noticed that his chief magician was covered in boils.
" You summoned me Sire".
" Jambres, have you been able to duplicate any of these plagues?".
" Your Highness, my magicians and I have tried to reproduce gnats, flies and now these terrible boils". He lowered his head in disgrace. " We cannot".
Pharaoh gave his chief magician an angry stare.
" Your Highness, I suggest that you let their people go before their God destroys us".
" Never!". He pointed a finger toward the sky. " I am God not the God of the Hebrews". He swore loudly. " I will not let the slaves go".
More plagues came. Hail crushed the land along with trees and crops. Swarms of locusts came and ate the crops left over from the hail.
Pharaoh's heart remained hard even when a plague of darkness filled the land. He became scared because Ammon-Ra the God of light was not protecting them. Even though Egypt was dark for three days and dreadful things were still happening, Pharaoh's heart remained hard.

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 14, 2014

the parables of Jesus: Luke 10:25-37

the parables of Jesus: Luke 10:25-37 by ric gustafson

This parable is known as the tale of the Good Samaritan. Before Jesus tells this story about compassion, an expert in the Law of Moses asks him a question. He asks Jesus " Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?". He simply replied " you're the expert you tell me". The expert quoted from Deuteronomy 6 and then said " Love your neighbor as yourself".
Jesus told him that he had answered correctly. Then Jesus said " do this and you will live".
Then the expert asked " And who is my neighbor?".
Jesus began by saying that a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. The trip was not easy during the seventeen miles. Elevation drops 3,300 feet on the way. This route was nicknamed the Bloody Pass because of the thieves waiting to rob people along the way. Jesus continues by saying that this man was attacked, beaten and left by the side of the road. The man needed help and then he heard footsteps coming. It was a temple priest who quickly left and did not help him. In a while he heard whistling and saw a Levite approaching. He saw the bleeding man, gasped and then hurried on his way. Later, he heard footsteps and then saw a Samaritan approach. Instead of walking away, the Samaritan poured wine on his wounds and then bandaged them. The Samaritan put him on his donkey. He took him to an Inn and told the Innkeeper that he would pay the lodging expense and then any additional costs when he came back.
Jesus looked at the people around him and then asked a simple question. " Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who was left for dead?".
The expert of the Law replied " the one who had mercy on him".
Jesus smiled. " Go and do likewise".
Jesus was implying that anyone in need is my neighbor.

research help: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

burgerman page 3

burgerman page 3 by ric gustafson

" Sure" I replied.
He put slices of American cheese on the burgers and let them cook for a minute. He went in and brought out two large plates with three buns on each. When the cheese had melted, he put them on the buns and then set them on a table in the far corner of the deck.
" Rex, what would you like to drink?".
I thought for a second. " Water's fine, thank you".
He went in and brought out two large glasses of ice water. He set them on the table along with napkins and some ketchup.
As I sat down, he walked toward the screen door. " I need to bring out one more thing".
He came back out wearing a large white towel and carrying a small plastic basin. " Rex, before we eat would you mind if I wash your feet?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, April 13, 2014

burgerman page 2

burgerman page 2 by ric gustafson

As I walked past a simple white house with a white fence around it, I could smell the aroma of a grill. It brought back memories of my childhood when my father would grill all summer.
" Good afternoon Rex".
I turned to see a young dark bearded man coming out of the garage holding some grilling tongs.
' How did he know my name' I wondered.
" You look hungry".
My stomach growled again. " I am hungry".
" I'm grilling some burgers". He smiled at me.  " Would you like one?".
My stomach growled again. " Sure".
" Follow me".
I followed him through a white picket fence. As we walked along the side of the house, there was a garden filled with beautiful flowers. We walked into a nice big back yard and then up some steps to a nice one level deck. My mouth watered when I noticed several burgers were on the small Weber grill.
" So Rex, do you like cheese on your burger?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 12, 2014

burgerman page 1

burgerman page 1 by ric gustafson

I opened the dark green receptacle and peered inside. The minute I noticed that their was nothing inside, my stomach growled. ' I am so hungry' I thought as I closed the black lid.
Just then, the receiving door opened. A young man wearing a green Wal Mart sweatshirt walked out with a pallet jack. He noticed me right away. " What are you doing there?".
My stomach growled again. " I'm hungry".
" You won't find anything in there". He put the pallet jack underneath a stack of wooden pallets. " They came earlier and emptied them". He walked back in and closed the door.
Dejected and hungry, I began to walk toward the nearest residential street. As my stomach growled again, I began to wonder where my next meal was coming from.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the road to Emmaus page 3

the road to Emmaus page 3 by ric gustafson

As they walked, Cleopas and his friend listened as the stranger explained many things to them. Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he told them things concerning himself in all the Scriptures.
The stranger looked up to see that they were approaching the village. " I'm traveling farther down the road".
Cleopas's friend spoke up. " Stay with us for it is getting toward evening and the day is now nearly over".
The stranger agreed and he entered their house. They reclined at a table. The stranger took bread, blessed it and then broke it. He handed them pieces of the bread.
The eyes of Cleopas's and his friend were suddenly opened. At that moment, they recognized the stranger as Jesus.
Just as suddenly, Jesus vanished from their sight.
The two that night returned to Jerusalem and told the others that they had seen the Lord.

The End

research help: the Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 39

Lent 2014 day 39 by ric gustafson

Luke 22:42- ' Father, if it's your will take this cup of suffering away from me. However, not my will but your will must be done'.

On many occasions, Jesus told his disciples that he must die. So why did he agonize in the garden?. He did not want to suffer the intense physical pain that he knew was coming. What was his torment?.
Jesus's death was unlike any other in history. On the cross, Jesus bore the sins of the entire world. Jesus who was sinless became sin. Because God hates sin, this severed the bond between Father and Son. When he died, God gave him the cup of sorrow. God loves us so much that he gave his only Son to die for us and gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we can be his and be his forever.
Jesus, I pray that I will never forget the sacrifice that you made for me.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lent 2014 day 37

Lent 2014 day 37 by ric gustafson

John 13:14- ' If I your Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you too must wash each other's feet'.

How would you feel if the Lord of creation did something menial for you?. The disciples must have felt this way when Jesus washed their feet. The foot washing of guests was usually assigned to the lowest of servants.
Jesus washed the disciple's feet to show them how to serve others. Also, he was showing them how to be a hospitable host. Jesus wanted to welcome them into a relationship with God and as a guest in his home.
After he was done washing their feet, Jesus instructed them to be a servant to all people. To welcome all as guests into your spiritual homes.
Jesus, I pray that I can be a humble and gracious host for you.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Easter Candy

Easter Candy by ric gustafson

Easter Candy is big business. Americans are expected to spend $ 2.26 billion alone in 2014. More than 8 billion pounds of candy is consumed in the United States each year. Easter is second only to Halloween for candy sales. Easter candy started with early German immigrants who brought with them candy making and delivering eggs in special Easter baskets.
Jelly beans became popular in the 1930's. Then came chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs, Whoppers and peanut butter eggs. Peeps were introduced by Sam Born in the 1950's. More than 700 million Peeps are bought each year. More than 16 billion jelly beans are purchased each Easter. The Cadbury Egg was introduced in 1971. More than 50 million are sold each Easter.

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Fanny J Crosby

Fanny J Crosby by ric gustafson

Fanny J Crosby was born in 1820 and went blind at six weeks of age. She was gifted with poetry and writing and penned more than 8,500 hymns. She was a strong advocate for the blind and taught at the New York School for the Blind. At the age of 30, she was saved and then started writing hymns.
One of her most famous compositions is ' Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross'. This hymn talks about Jesus's love for us and that we are to love one another. Even though she was blind, she was gifted by God to write powerful word pictures. Right before she passed away in 1915, she said that the first face she wanted to see in heaven was the face of Jesus.

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 36

Lent 2014 day 36 by ric gustafson

Luke 22:20- ' This cup is the new covenant by my blood which is poured out for you'.

Covenants were solemn promises sealed with blood. Sacrificed animals were symbols of a promise not to be broken. Jeremiah 31:33 speaks of the prophet speaking of a new covenant where the Law will be written on the hearts of the people. This new covenant will produce a profound change.
This new covenant will usher in a deeper understanding of the relationship between God and humanity. This covenant will remove the final barrier of sin and death. We do not have to have death hanging over us. When Jesus lifted that cup, With his blood, everyone will be offered eternal life. With this new covenant, we will enter God's presence and live with God for all of eternity.
Jesus, thank you for the new covenant and for saving me a sinner.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

the road to Emmaus page 2

the road to Emmaus page 2 by ric gustafson

" The things about Jesus the Nazarene who was a prophet mighty in deed and word in the sight of God and all the people".
His friend spoke up. " The chief priests and our rulers delivered him to the sentence of death and crucified him".
Cleopas sighed. " We were hoping that it was he who was going to redeem Israel".
" And then something happened?".
Jesus looked at them. " What happened?".
Cleopas scratched his chin. " After three days, some of the women went to the tomb early in the morning and did not find his body".
" The women said that they had seen a vision of angels who told them that he was alive". His friend grinned at Jesus. " Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it exactly as the women had said".
Jesus stared at them with love in his eyes. " O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken, was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into his glory".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 35

Lent 2014 day 35 by ric gustafson

Matthew 21:13- ' It's written, my house will be called a house of prayer. But you've made it a hideout for crooks'.

In the Temple, Jesus was frustrated with the greedy moneychangers. He was upset because they were stealing and lying and then making offerings to make everything better again. Those who take refuge in God's mercy and grace must devote themselves to a relationship with God. God's grace requires the responsibility of discipleship. Jesus did not come to save hypocrites. Christians in the name of Christ need to claim a life of discipleship. To do anything less cheapens the gift that Jesus gave to us.
Jesus, I pray that my discipleship honors you always.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 7, 2014

the road to Emmaus page 1

the road to Emmaus page 1 by ric gustafson

As Cleopas and his friend were walking along a dusty road, they knew that they were near the village of Emmaus. The small village was about seven miles from Jerusalem and both men were tired and sad. They had just witnessed the brutal death of their teacher and savior. They were discussing this as they walked. They came up to a crossroads and Cleopas looked to his left. He noticed a young man approaching. He sported a dark beard and gave each of them a smile.
" Would you mind if I walk with you toward the village?".
Cleopas stared at his friend. " No".
The three of them started to walk down the road.
As they walked, Jesus listened to their conversation.
Cleopas wondered if he had seen this stranger before. He could not place his face.
" What are these words that you are exchanging with one another as you walk?".
Both men stopped. They stared at the stranger with confusion on their faces.
Cleopas spoke up. " Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem and unaware of the things which have happened here in these days?".
Jesus looked at their bewildered faces. " What things?".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 34

Lent 2014 day 34 by ric gustafson

Luke 19:38- ' They said " Blessings are the king who comes in the name of the Lord".

Jesus was proclaimed a king on Palm Sunday. What kind of king was he?. The people were expecting a king coming in a parade on a beautiful steed, Instead, Jesus rides in on a borrowed donkey. Instead of the cream of society, Jesus's disciples of fishermen and tax collectors greeted him. People could not believe how a backwoods carpenter would help them overthrow the Romans. Jesus had no army or political power.
Jesus's kingship was more broader than any human king. What Jesus came to conquer was sin and death. Instead of a throne, Jesus was riding toward a cross to save us.
Jesus, help me to understand that your kingdom is greater than anything here on this earth.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 5

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 5 by ric gustafson

I walked over and began to help the crew with the davits on the forward starboard side. They were trying to adjust them and then lower the Engelhardt boat from the roof of the officer's house. They were having trouble removing the canvas cover and cutting the boat loose. Some long oars were placed against the wall to break the fall of the boat. The boat fell onto the Boat Deck smashing the oars.
Clinch Smith and I heard water coming from the bridge toward the forward hatch. We decided to go to the stern of the ship along with a mass of other passengers. Men, women and now steerage passengers from down below were now converging to the stern. Clinch and I reached the roof and an iron railing. To my dismay, as Clinch tried to reach the roof  water caved on him and swallowed him into the cold water. I was devastated as I had now lost my dear friend.

research help: ' Titanic a survivor's story' by Colonel Archibald Gracie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 33

Lent 2014 day 33 by ric gustafson

Luke 19:6- ' So Zacchaeus came down at once, happy to see Jesus'.

It would of been undignified and ridiculous to see a grown man climb trees in Jesus's time. So when Zacchaeus ran ahead and climbed a tree to see Jesus, people were laughing at him. Here was the ruler of the tax collectors climbing a tree. Tax collectors were hated because they became rich from their own countrymen. Everyone was shocked when Jesus stopped, looked up and told the tax collector that he would be staying at his home.
Jesus knew Zacchaeus's heart. He knew that he was welcoming him into his heart. He knew that if he could see Jesus, that he would change his life. To Zacchaeus, being with Jesus was everything. Jesus came to seek and save the lost and Zacchaeus was eager to leave everything.
Jesus, I pray that I can be as eager for salvation as Zacchaeus.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lent 2014 day 32

Lent 2014 day 32 by ric gustafson

John 12:7- ' Leave her alone. This perfume was to be used in preparation for my burial, and this is how she has used it'.

In this story, Mary the sister of Martha was a faithful follower of Jesus. She sat at Jesus's feet listening to his teachings. She called Jesus when her brother Lazarus died. And now, she is showing Jesus deep devotion.
This evening's meal was emotional and bittersweet. Mary comes in and serves him by washing his feet. Then she anointed him with an ointment used for burial. Mary's service and her heart belonged to Jesus.
I pray that I can be a steadfast disciple like Mary and offer him all that I am and have.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 4, 2014

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 4

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 4 by ric gustafson

There were twenty boats on board. Fourteen were wooden lifeboats each thirty feet long by nine feet. Each lifeboat could carry up to sixty five people. There were two wooden cutters which were used for emergency purposes. Then there were four canvas collapsible boats which could carry up to forty seven people. The odd numbered boats were on the starboard side and the even numbered boats were on the port side.
I was on the port side helping Second Officer Lightoller with helping women and children into the boats. I helped Colonel Astor's wife into a boat as Colonel Astor asked if he could enter the boat with his wife. Lightoller said no so Colonel Astor stayed onboard. When they lowered the first boat, there was seventy feet to the water. When the last boat was lowered on the port side, there was only ten feet to the water. The ship was now listing to port as if the ship was going to topple over. I ran to the starboard side of the ship to help First Officer Murdoch with the lifeboats. All women and children of the first class were saved except for five. When I witnessed the last lifeboat being lowered, fear entered my thinking.

research help: ' Titanic a survivor's story' by Colonel Archibald Gracie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 31

Lent 2014 day 31 by ric gustafson

Luke 18:22- ' Sell everything you own and distribute the money to the poor. Then you will have treasure in heaven. And come follow me'.

The key words in this story are Come follow me. What do we need to leave behind to follow Jesus?. Do we possess comfort and security or maybe it is social standing. Jesus did not want what this young man had. What Jesus wanted was the young man's heart. Jesus wanted to see if there was anything standing in the way of serving God first.
I pray that nothing stands in my way of being a disciple for Jesus.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 3, 2014

the story of Martha page 27

the story of Martha page 27 by ric gustafson

Mary and Martha sat at a table as they watched the two Pharisees walk in. They walked over and assumed that they would be occupying the best seats at the table. Martha noticed that Jesus and Lazarus were sitting in those seats.

Simon's wife and daughter in law had prepared lamb and lentil stew, bread, fruit, fig cakes and served wine.

After the meal was over and the men were talking to themselves, Mary quietly walked in with an alabaster flask. It was spikenard left over from her brother's anointing. All of a sudden, she poured the costly liquid over the feet of Jesus.

the parables of Jesus: Matthew 20:1-16

the parables of Jesus: Matthew 20:1-16 by ric gustafson

This parable takes place in a vineyard. The ripe grapes were ready to be picked so the owner went into town to hire some temporary help. At the time of Jesus, the workday started at 6:00 am and concluded at 6:00 pm. The owner's wage for the day was a denarius. The owner returned at 9:00 am to hire more workers. He returned at 12 and at 3 and then at 5 when their was only one hour to work.
When the workers came back to receive their wages for the day, the last ones hired were paid first. When these workers received their denarius, the other workers assumed they would be paid more. To their surprise and shock, they received the same denarius. The owner gave all of the workers what he had promised for a daily wage. He said that it was his money and he could spend it as he chooses.
Jesus in this story was not talking about fairness. The vineyard represented the world. What Jesus wants us to take away from this story is that God who is the owner of the vineyard is a generous God. He is generous because he is the owner of all.

research help: ' Inverted' by Tom Ellsworth

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 3

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 3 by ric gustafson

I went to my stateroom and put my possessions three large traveling bags. Steward Cullen came and helped me put on a long Newmarket overcoat and my life preserver. As I walked to Deck A on the port side toward the stern, I heard the band began to play. I did not recognize any of the tunes but they were cheerful to listen to.
I pointed and showed the ladies who were near me a bright light that was probably about five miles away. I told them not to worry that a ship would come to our rescue. I found out later that the light I saw belonged to the steamer Californian which was bound from London to Boston. It's Captain was Captain Stanley Lord. This steamer sent two ice warnings earlier including one saying that the steamer was stopped due to ice.
After forty five minutes, Captain Smith gave the order to lower the lifeboats. He ordered his crew to allow only women and children. I went to the Boat Deck on Deck A port side to help assist ladies into the boats. Sixth Officer J.P. Moody was in charge. I went into the ship to locate two of my table mates. Mrs Churchhill Candee and Mr Edward Kent. I checked the smoking room and found four people, Major Butt, Clarence Moore, Frank Miller and a man I did not know. I smiled after my friend Clinch Smith told me that Mrs Candee was already in one of the boats. From the Boat Deck, I heard a rocket and then Morse red and blue lights.

research help: ' Titanic a survivor's story' by Colonel Archibald Gracie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 30

Lent 2014 day 30 by ric gustafson

Luke 18:16- ' Allow the children to come to me. Don't forbid them because God's kingdom belongs to people like these children'.

Babies are helpless and dependent. The disciples in this story tried to send the children away. The parents of these children were trying to ask for blessings for their infants.
The kingdom of heaven is a gift. Jesus is not impressed by our titles and accomplishments. Jesus wants us just as we are his little children.
We cannot give God  anything more than our hearts. He has given us everything so what can we give him in return?. Before God we are helpless infants. We can only give him our love and devotion.
I pray that I can give God the one thing that I can offer him, my heart.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 2

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 2 by ric gustafson

I was enjoying a good night's rest when I was awakened by a shock and noise on the starboard side. I got up from the bed, turned on the electric light and then glanced at my watch which was on the dresser. It said 11:45. I opened my cabin door, looked into the corridor but could not see or hear anything. I put on some underclothes, shoes and socks, trousers and a Norfolk coat.
I walked into the corridor and then walked up to the third deck which was called the boat deck. It was a beautiful night without clouds and the stars were shining brightly. I saw no activity so I walked to A Deck on the port side and looked over the rail to see if I could see anything wrong. I noticed Mr Ismay and a member of the crew hurrying up the stairway. Ismay was hatless and wore a day suit.
My friend Clinch Smith walked up to me and showed me some ice that he had in his hands. A fellow passenger ran up and told us that he witnessed an iceberg that was at least fifty feet above A Deck. Then I learned that the mail room was flooded but the postal clerks were still at their posts. They transferred two hundred bags of registered mail. Right away, I noticed a list on the companionway floor.

research help: ' Titanic, a survivor's story' by Colonel Archibald Gracie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 29

Lent 2014 day 29 by ric gustafson

Luke 14:11-' All who lift themselves up will be brought low and all those who make themselves low will be lifted up'.

In the time of Jesus, banquets were a place to see and be seen. Guests were seated according to social status. Guests wanted to sit as close to the host as possible. The religious leaders in this story wanted their special place at the table. They wanted honor instead of honoring God.
God has invited us to his heavenly banquet. We are invited only because God gives us his mercy and grace. Being righteous is the goal of discipleship not social standing. What matters to God is that our hearts are open. Jesus is at the banquet. Will we welcome him and show him the place of honor?.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 1

Colonel Archibald Gracie page 1 by ric gustafson

On Sunday morning April 14, there was hardly a ripple on the water. Captain Smith has been trying to improve upon the previous day's speed. In the last twenty four hours, the ship had traveled 546 miles. As the day went on, I had heard that the ship had received wireless messages from passing steamers to the presence of icebergs and icefloes. I noticed that it was getting colder outside and that I needed to dress warmer.
Sunday morning I decided to exercise. The instructor of the gymnasium was T.W. McCawley. This little man in white flannels had a broad English accent. He showed me how to use the bicycle, the rowing machine and the camel.
Then I went to the church service in the dining saloon. We sang from number 418 of the hymnal which was ' Prayer for those at Sea'. This was the last hymn sung on board the ship. I've been reading a book titled ' Old Dominion'. On this Sunday, I've been visiting with Mr and Mrs Isidor Straus. The couple was excited about communicating with their son and his wife  who were on the passing ship Amerika.
That night, I ate with James Clinch Smith and Edward A Kent. Afterwards, we adjourned to the Palm Room where we had coffee and listened to the ship's band. From there, we went to the smoking room and conversed with other men including John B Thayer, George Widener and Clarence Moore. My stay in the smoking room was short and I retired early to my room.

research help: ' Titanic a survivor's story' by Colonel Archibald Gracie

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lent 2014 day 28

Lent 2014 day 28 by ric gustafson

Luke 11:42- ' How horrible for you Pharisees you give a tenth of your mint, rue and garden herbs of all kinds while neglecting justice and love for God'.

A popular image of Jesus from Sunday school is a man of gentleness and lots of patience. But he could also get upset by religious hypocrisy. Jesus could not tolerate people mistreating others in the name of God. He was happy to talk to unbelievers, pagans even Samaritans. But he got upset at those who took faith without allowing God to change their hearts.
Jesus accused the Pharisees of paying attention to insignificant religious laws without reflecting on the foundation of faith. He also accused them of using religion for status. Lastly, he accused them of thwarting other people's faith by being bad examples.
I pray that Jesus will save me from hypocritical faith and will open my eyes.

research help: ' The Sanctuary For Lent' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric