Tuesday, November 26, 2013

the story of Cletus ' Apple' Pie page 2

the story of Cletus ' Apple' Pie page 2 by ric gustafsonapple

Hello there!. Thank you for reading about me today. There are many myths as far as how I became popular. The first takes place during our colonial period. Humans grew apples for cider and apple dishes began to appear. Apple pies started to become popular. At this time, a price drop for grain and a large migration of Germans to the US. Beer became popular  so with a glut of apples and cheap wheat flour, apple pies became popular. Apple trees flourished in the US and because of folklore such as Johnny Appleseed, apple pies became popular. During the Civil War, both sides took green apples and made their own apple pies.
Next time we chat, I will talk about a big part of my makeup, pieflakes and piecrust.

research help: ' Apple Pie an American story' by John T Edge

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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