Tuesday, November 5, 2013

the madman of Gadara 2013 page 2

the madman of Gadara 2013 page 2 by ric gustafson

The Teacher woke up and looked around. He slowly stood up and stretched out his arms. " Quiet, settle down" he said in a loud voice. The wind and the Sea calmed down. The Teacher turned and pointed a finger at us. " Don't you have any faith at all".
All of us were amazed that the wind, rain and the Sea obeyed him.
We rowed into the sand of Gadara. Myself and another follower jumped out of the boat to pull it in. As we were doing this, what looked like a madman ran toward us. He was wailing and rattling a huge chain that hung around him. We had oars in our hands and were ready to defend the Teacher. This madman fell onto his knees at the Teacher's feet.
A strange voice came out of his mouth. " What business do you have here Jesus Son of God?".
Jesus stared at the man. " What is your name?".
" Legion".
" Come out of him!".
" Please don't send us away" a voice shrieked from the man. " Send us into that herd of swine".
Jesus looked at the swine herd. He nodded his ok.
The demons entered the swine. The whole herd went over the cliff and drowned in the Sea below.
Somebody helped the madman get up and he began to talk in a normal voice. He asked the Teacher if he could join our group. The Teacher hugged him and told him to stay and tell everyone what had just happened to him.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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