Tuesday, November 12, 2013

crimes of the century: the death of Bobby Kennedy

crimes of the century: the death of Bobby Kennedy by ric gustafson

On June 5 1968, Bobby Kennedy was celebrating his win in the California Democratic presidential primary. Just after midnight at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, Kennedy and some campaign workers were trying to leave the hotel through the hotel kitchen. A 24 year old man named Sirhan Sirhan stepped forward and shot Kennedy with a .22 caliber pistol. Kennedy died on the hotel kitchen floor from a bullet to the head.
Sirhan was convicted of killing Kennedy on April 17, 1969. Since then doubts about the killing have come up. Evidence has shown that Kennedy was killed from a single shot behind and below his right ear. Sirhan was not close enough to shoot that fatal shot. An eyewitness who was standing behind Kennedy at the time he was shot claimed that she heard between 12 to 14 shots being fired instead of the maximum of eight from Sirhan's gun. The conclusion is that there was more than one shooter.
L.A. Police Sgt Paul Sharaga noticed two people running past him away from the scene including a woman in a polka dot dress.
Right now, Sirhan Sirhan sits in California's Pleasant Valley State Prison.

research help: ' Enquirer Special Investigation'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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