Thursday, November 28, 2013

Mary of Magdala page 7

Mary of Magdala page 7 by ric gustafson

Mary began to have intermittent nightmares. She was always in that dingy room with that man leaning over her. She could hear his mocking laughter. Just when he reached to grab her, she woke up in a sweat. Her mother would come in and hold her until she would go to sleep.
She tried to go to the market with her mother but strangers made her cringe. At night, shadows came and filled her with terror. One night, she tried to talk to her mother and a strange sound erupted from her mouth.
" It is HaSAtan, the evil one".
Jared went to the synagogue and talk to the local Rabbi. He asked him about a exorcism.
" Gather a group of ten men and we will gather here tomorrow".
Mary was eager to be free from her torments.

research help: ' Mary Magdalene' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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