Monday, November 25, 2013

the story of Cletus ' Apple' Pie page 1

the story of Cletus ' Apple' Pie page 1 by ric gustafson

Hello there. My name is Cletus Pie. When I was young, someone gave me the nickname ' Apple'. My name has been Cletus ' Apple' Pie since. Now that the Christmas season is here, I figured that it was a good time to tell you my story.
Before I tell my story to you, I do want to mention something that has been on my mind. Lots of people have told me over the years that I am as American as apple pie. If that is true, I am honored. In 1976, M.F.K Fisher wrote on the occasion of our nation's bicentennial that I was a national institution. I am honored to hear that. Now I will tell you some little stories about how I became what I became. I hope you enjoy it.

research help: ' Apple Pie an American love story' by John T Edge

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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