Saturday, November 2, 2013

elevator no.4 page 3

elevator no.4 page 3 by ric gustafson

Room 320

Mark Dodge watched as a woman named Joyce Meyer preached about having a joy filled life with God. ' Who needs God' he thought with a sneer as he put a spoonful of turkey into his mouth and slowly chewed. ' I can't believe Maureen wants a divorce' he thought to himself as he kept watching this woman. She was beginning to disgust him.
" What a holiday this turned out to be" he muttered to himself as he turned the channel to the History Channel. He took a bite of a slice of pumpkin pie and then threw the container into a trash can. He smiled as an idea came to him. ' I'll go down to the hotel bar and drown my sorrows' he thought as he turned off the lights and opened the door. " Who needs God" he said to himself as he closed the door\.

Peace and holiday blessings. Love Ric

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