Saturday, November 30, 2013

Christmas: doing good for others

Christmas: doing good for others by ric gustafson

There is a powerful lesson that we can learn about Christmas. Doing good for others is a big part of the Christmas spirit. God has done everything for us and we should do the same for others. We demonstrate God's grace when we touch other lives. Christmas represents everything that God has done. He sent his Son Jesus to the world for our salvation. God sacrificed himself for us and he wants us to do the same for others. Where the Spirit of God is, the Spirit of good will come also.
As God's people, we need to show kindness to others now and throughout the year. A gift, a meal, an invitation, a letter, a kind word or another kind of blessing.
I Peter 3:9 says that we will be blessed when we bless others.

research help: Turning Points December 2012

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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