Saturday, December 31, 2011

Horatio's lucky penny page 6

Horatio's lucky penny page 6 by ric gustafson.

Horatio was sitting at a small table in his study and was eating his usual breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and juice. He always watched the stock market channel on TV as he ate to see how his Johnson Financial Group stock was doing. As he ate, he noticed that already the numbers for his stock were in the red and the price was going down.
He dialed the number for his stock advisor on his cell phone. " Mark, what's going on with the stock numbers?".
" Horatio, I heard that there might be a major shakeup as far as Johnson Financial Group" his friend replied in a tired voice. " There is talk of an accounting scandal which right now is driving down the price". " I will keep you informed as the day goes on".
As the day went on, the stock price for Johnson Financial Group went lower and lower.
Horatio's cell phone rang.
" Horatio, this is Mark" he said in a scared tone of voice. " You need to sell part of your stock before it's too late".
Horatio stared at the lucky penny plaque on the wall. " My lucky penny has convinced me to keep all my stock and not sell".
" Horatio, you are making a huge mistake" his friend exclaimed as he pleaded. " All your stock is in one fund portfolio and you will lose everything".
As the afternoon wound down, Johnson Financial Group fell to an all time low. Horatio keot staring at his lucky penny plaque for hope and comfort.
His cell phone rang.
" I'm sorry Horatio" his friend said quietly as Horatio stared out a window. " I tried to get you to sell in time but you lost everything".
In disgust, he slammed shut his cell phone, picked up the lucky penny plaque and smashed it into a million pieces.
December of that year,
An employee of Dominick's walked out the back door into the frigid night and walked over to the green trash dumpster. As he threw in two sacks of garbage, he noticed a man standing over the grate trying to stay warm.
With a sad look on his face, Horatio spread his arms over the grate and tried to warm his cold tired bones.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

To those who read my writing in 2011, Thank you and Happy New Year. Love Ric

Horatio's lucky penny page 5

Horatio's lucky penny page 5 by ric gustafson

" Horatio, I became a christian when I came to the homeless shelter" John said as he held up a small green bible he had brought with him. " This completely changed my life".
" Oh!".
" I study his Word all the time now".
" Every word that is in it".
" I believe with all my heart everything that is in it".
" I don't believe in God" Horatio said with a long sigh. " Just my lucky penny".
" You still believe in only that coin for everything in your life".
" Of course" he replied as he took a sip of lemonade. " What's happened to me bears it out".
" I'm sorry my friend but God is in charge of my life and no one else".
" I'm happy with my life" Horatio replied. " My lucky penny has given me everything I need".
" Ok Horatio" John replied as he got up from the table, shook his friend's hand and then began to walk toward the patio stairs. " God bless and I will pray for you".
Horatio walked back into his study and stared at his lucky penny plaque. " Who needs God when we have each other".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, December 30, 2011

Horatio's lucky penny page 4

Horatio's lucky penny page 4 by ric gustafson.

Horatio poured some lemonade from a large glass pitcher into a glass and took a sip. " Would you like some John?". The day butler set a plate of sandwiches, fruit and potato chips in front of them.
" Sure". His friend bit into a roast beef sandwich. " Thank you for lunch".
" My pleasure" Horatio said as he poured his friend a glass. " I miss the guys from the tent colony".
" So tell me my friend what happened that now you have all this".
Horatio thought for a moment. " After I found my lucky penny near Dominick's that day, I was walking back to the tent colony when a miracle happened".
" What happened?".
" I saw something green in the snow and it turned out to be a wet $100 dollar bill".
" What did you do with it?".
" I took it to somebody at the shelter who knew about investing in the stock market". " He invested it for me and now I'm making a fortune just off the interest".
" And you think that everything that has happened to you is because of the penny you found in the snow".
" That's right" Horatio exclaimed with a grin as he took a sip of his lemonade. " It's the only explanation I can think of".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Horatio's lucky penny page 3

Horatio's lucky penny page 3 by ric gustafson

Horatio kept staring at John. " I'm sorry to stare at you but you look familiar". " Have we met before?".
" No, I don't think so" he replied as he scratched his scraggily beard. " I was born and raised in Montana and was homeless for six years".
" Montana John" Horatio exclaimed as he hugged his old friend. " Remember me Horatio from the tent colony".
" You mean Horatio who used to bring back containers of food from restaurant dumpsters" was the reply as he hugged his old friend. " You disappeared and I thought that something bad had happened to you".
" This" Horatio exclaimed loudly as he walked over to a huge plaque on one of the walls. " This is what happened to me".
John walked over to the plaque and studied it carefully. " A penny?".
" That's right" was the reply as Horatio walked over and looked at it as if it were a shrine. " This lucky penny completely changed my life".
" How is that?".
" The day I found that penny outside Dominick's, my life completely changed" he said with a broad smile. " The only explanation I can come up with is this lucky penny".
" So what exactly happened that you went from being in our tent colony to living in this fancy house?".
" Have lunch with me and I will explain everything".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Horatio's lucky penny page 2

Horatio's lucky penny page 2 by ric gustafson.

Horatio was studying his stock portfolio at his large oak top desk when the intercom rang. He got up from the desk and walked over to the intercom on the wall. " Yes Evelyn".
" John Ellis from the Elkington Homeless Shelter has an appointment at 10:00 to see you".
" Oh that's right" was the reply as he looked at his Rolex watch. " Send him in".
Evelyn led a young man into the spacious office and study. Horatio noticed he was probably about the same age and also looked slightly familiar.
" Hi, I'm Horatio Longley" he said as he pointed toward a nearby couch. " Please have a seat".
" Thank you" the young man replied as he settled into a comfy blue couch and pillows. " I'm John Ellis and I represent the Elkington Homeless Shelter".
" What can I do for you Mr Ellis?".
" Mr Longley, as you know the city has cut our funding in half" he said nervously as he played with his necktie. " And our expenses have skyrocketed because of more young mothers and families coming in".
" Yes, I know about the struggles the shelter has been going through".
" Mr Longley, we appreciate what you've graciously given in the past" he said as he smiled. " But now we could really use your help".
" Mr Ellis, I'm a very generous man" Horatio replied quietly as he stared at the young man. " I was homeless myself for a long time so I know what it's like to be hungry and have no place to go".
" I will help the shelter".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ismay page 4

Ismay page 4 by ric gustafson.

" What happened then Sir?".
" On the main staircase, Chief Engineer Bell told me that he hoped that the pumps would control the water for a while".
" Did you go back to your room?".
" Yes and then I went back to the bridge".
" What happened next?".
" I heard Captain Smith give the order for lifeboats to be prepared and for women and children to go first".
" Did you help with the launching of the boats?".
" Yes, it was 12:05 and I helped with the boats that were on the starboard side of the ship".
" Which specific lifeboats did you help with?".
" Lifeboats 3,5,7,9 and Collapsible C".
" And which boat did you enter Sir?".
" I got into Collapsible C".

research help: ' the sinking of J Bruce Ismay' by Frances Wilson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Horatio's lucky penny page 1

Horatio's lucky penny page 1 by ric gustafson.

Marsha Schuster started to write some numbers on a white easel. The people who were sitting around a small wooden conference table looked on. " This last quarter was not very good financially for the shelter".
" Why?" asked Dede Benson who was the shelter's youth director.
Marsha gave a slight frown. " First, the city has cut our funding in half and our private contributions have gone down also".
Richard Conklin's hand shot up. " Marsha, what can we do to help?".
" Until the city raises our support, we need to ask our private contributors for more help". " John".
" Yes Marsha" replied the newest member of the shelter's team.
" I would like you to talk to Mr Horatio Longley" she said with a nervous smile. " He is the largest private contributor to this shelter".
" Sure".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Horatio's lucky penny prelude

Horatio's lucky penny prelude by ric gustafson

Horatio slowly walked through the deep snow toward his favorite place, the warm grate by Dominick's Restaurant. It was Christmas Eve and the restaurant was quiet. He was cold and shivering and no matter how many layers of clothing he had on, he was always cold. The Italian restaurant was Horatio's favorite place to come not only because of the warm grate but also for the amount of food that they always put in the dumpster.
Horatio's hands finally warmed up as he stood over the grate. He stomped his boots which were too small for his feet and then slowly the circulation came back. He walked over to the green dumpster and peered inside. He took out some styrofoam containers that had leftover pizza, pasta and garlic bread.
Horatio closed the dumpster lid and was going to walk back with the containers, when the back door of the restaurant opened. He ducked behind the dumpster and then noticed something shiny on the cold snowy ground. After the restaurant door closed, Horatio stooped down to pick up the shiny object. He noticed that it was a brand new shiny penny. A worn smile came to Horatio's face. " This must be my lucky day". He put the shiny penny into a pocket of his threadbare pants, picked up the styrofoam containers and then started walking back toward the tent colony.

Everyone take care. Love Ric

the grand opening of the A to Z page 2

the grand opening of the A to Z page 2 by ric gustafson

Christopher saw a small sign at the start of the main aisle. It read ' his salvation is forever". He started to wander through the aisles and was amazed at how many items there were in the store. As he looked for the toasters, he began to wonder why nothing looked new. He smiled as he finally found the aisle where the toasters were. He frowned as he noticed that all the toasters he was looking at looked as old as could be.
" How will a store stay open if they sell nothing new" he muttered to himself as he walked up to the first sales associate he saw. " Nothing in this store is new" he said in frustration as he stared at the employee.
The sales associate looked at Christopher with a smile. " Jesus's salvation stays the same, we do not need anything new to take it's place".
Christopher walked out scratching his head. He got back into his car and drove off intending to go somewhere and buy a new toaster.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Together with Jesus' by Richard E Lauersdorf

Everyone take care. Love Ric

Monday, December 26, 2011

the grand opening of the A to Z page 1

the grand opening of the A to Z page 1 by ric gustafson.

Christopher Atkins was reading the want ads to look for a job. He put a slice of bread into the toaster and tried to put down the handle. The handle would not go down.
" Come on" he said loudly in frustration as he banged his fist on the countertop. " Boy I could use a new toaster" he exclaimed as he kept trying to put the handle down and was getting madder by the minute. He picked up the newspaper and opened it to page 2. On the page was a large ad for a new store opening. The ad was for a store opening called the A to Z. The ad advertised that they sold toasters so Christopher figured why not go and check out the new store.
He drove his blue Saturn into the immense parking lot and noticed quite a few cars. He got out and walked into the cart area. He got one and walked toward the entrance. Over the entrance of the store was a large banner saying ' welcome to the grand opening of the A to Z'. With the wheels of his steel cart wobbling. he walked into the store.

research help: ' Together with Jesus' by Richard E Lauersdorf

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

today is my birthday page 4

today is my birthday page 4 by ric gustafson

" I would like to go back to my room Harlan".
" Ok". He slowly wheeled her back down the hallway and then into her room. He helped her into her easy chair.
" Harlan, can you hand me that photo album?".
He handed her a white album from a nearby table.
She opened it and thumbed through it. She stopped at a certain page. " Harlan, here are pictures of your father and I when we went on a trip to Mexico".
" You and Dad were able to go on a lot of trips together".
" We brought home so many souvenirs including something that looked like an old genie lamp that we had no place to put them all".
" I miss Irwin".
" I miss Dad too".
After a while, he noticed that his mother was getting tired. " Mother, I should go".
" Thanks for coming to my birthday today".
" Mother, today is not your birthday".
" Harlan" she exclaimed as she smiled at her son. " Everyday with God is a birthday".
Harlan kissed his mother goodbye and then walked out to the car. As he sat behind the wheel, he pondered what his mother had said.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 25, 2011

the gift return window

the gift return window by ric gustafson.

Max Allan walked carefully toward the gift return window. He was holding a big red box with a green bow on it. ' This was not the gift I wanted' he thought with a frustrated look on his face.
" May I help you?".
" Yes Shelly" he said as he stared at her nametag. " I am returning this gift".
" Let's see". She opened the box and took out a small card. On it were the words ' the free gift of eternal life'. She smiled at Max. " This is the best gift you could ever receive".
" Why is that?" he replied as he stared at the small card. " I really wanted a new set of power tools".
" First of all, this gift is free".
" Ok".
" Second of all, it is the best gift because it is Jesus".
" Ok, I'll take it back home" Max said as he put the card back into the box. He started to walk away with the box. " Merry Christmas".
Shelly smiled. " Merry Christmas".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: a Pastor Dietz sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 24, 2011

today is my birthday page 3

today is my birthday page 3 by ric gustafson

" This egg salad sandwich is good" Betsy Bergmann said with a smile as she dabbed her mouth with her napkin.
" How is your sandwich Harlan?" Mildred Copple asked as she sipped from her water goblet.
" Fine". He finished the sandwich and then started eating the mandarin oranges. " The meals here are pretty good".
" I can't wait for the dessert" she said as she grinned at her son. " Maybe it's a cake since today is my birthday".
" Mom, today is not your birthday".
" Yes it is" she said as she pointed at what she was wearing. " I'm wearing my new blue dress just for that reason".
After a while, they were finishing their ice cream. " How was your ice cream mother?".
" Ok" was her reply as she finished eating the last bite. " It wasn't cake but it was ok".
Harlan watched as nurses wheeled the ladies at their table back to their rooms. " Mother, what would you like to do now?".

I pray that everyone has a wonderful Christmas night. Love Ric

Friday, December 23, 2011

the story of Martha page 12

the story of Martha page 12 by ric gustafson.

Martha was waiting for her brother to return from the city. He walked through the gate with a sad frown on his face.
" What happened my brother?".
Lazarus gave his sister a hug. " I found out that John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod".
" Wasn't he a cousin of the Rabbi Jesus?".
" Yes".
" What caused this?" asked Mary who had joined them in the courtyard.
" The daughter of Herodias danced for the King and he promised her anything that she asked for".
" Why would he do that?".
" She asked her mother and then asked the King for John's head on a platter".
" Brother, is there talk of killing the Rabbi Jesus?".
" Yes, there is".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

the story of Martha page 11

the story of Martha page 11 by ric gustafson.

Lazarus put cups and pitchers of wine on the table.
There was a knock at the gate. Lazarus opened it to reveal the Rabbi and his disciples.
" Peace be upon this house". Martha and Mary joined them in the courtyard.
" Let me introduce my friends". " This is Matthew who used to be a tax collector but now is our record keeper". The burly man with the piercing smile grinned at them. " This is James and his brother John whom I call my sons of thunder". Both men had dark auburn hair and square chins. " This is Thomas". The young man grinned and bowed his head. " This is Peter and his brother Andrew". The big man with huge arms had dark hair held back by a headband. " This is Philip, Nathaniel, James son of Alphaeus and Simon who formerly was a zealot but now serves the Kingdom". " This is Judas son of James and Judas Iscariot who is the treasurer of our group.".
Martha stared at the treasurer of the group who always had a bag of coins around his chest and did not smile at them.
She brought out water for the ritual hand washing and then everyone sat down. With Mary's help, bread, lentil soup and raisin cakes were put on the table and eaten.
After the meal was over, Martha looked at Jesus. " Will you come again?".
" If we are in this area again, we will come".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the Fall page 9

the Fall page 9 by ric gustafson.

Lucifer stood on his balcony and listened to the music that he had created. He watched angels walking toward the northern edge of the Kingdom. He watched as an angel quietly landed next to him.
" Kara, my friend".
" My friend Lucifer, I have some encouraging news".
" What news is that?".
" The Council of Elders have decided to make a formal request to the most High that you be made the steward of this new world".
Lucifer smiled. " When will they make this request?".
" Very soon I heard".
All of a sudden, a thunder of trumpets pierced the sky.
The Lord's voice rang out. " Glory to the Lamb of God who was slain before the foundation of the world".
The two watched as a streak of light flew from the North into the Heavenly sky.
" Now it starts" Lucifer muttered to himself.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

the Fall page 8

the Fall page 8 by ric gustafson.

Gabriel and Michael were sitting around a large table. Michael's house was just off the Grand Square and God's light poured through the windows.
As they sat, Sangius quietly walked in and sat down.
" Thank you for coming my friend" Michael said as he shook his hand. " Can you tell Gabriel what you told me?".
" Archangel Gabriel, I was a member of the Council of Worship and participated in several meetings led by Lucifer".
" What happened?".
" The meetings eventually became offensive toward the Lord" he said as Gabriel listened intently. " Most of the Council members were giving their loyalty to Lucifer".
" It's beginning to make sense".
" What is?" asked Michael.
" The day creation came, Lucifer stopped me and tried to get some information". The archangel looked at Michael with a worried look. " I can't believe our Chief Minister of Worship would do this to the Creator".
" This is a serious accusation" Michael said as he stared at Gabriel. " We must be careful".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Monday, December 19, 2011

the Fall page 7

the Fall page 7 by ric gustafson.

Lucifer heard the bell ring as he took out the container from it's hiding place. He put it on top of a conference table as Serus led the two angels into the small conference room.
" Rugio and Pellecus" he said with a smile. He took a scroll out of the container and spread it out on top of the table. " Come in and sit down".
The two angels sat down next to the table as Lucifer stared at the scroll. " What information do you have so I can write it down".
" Lord Lucifer" Rugio said with a nervous grin. " Many of my commanders are ready to follow us". He handed him a parchment with names written on it.
Lucifer wrote their names on the scroll under loyal angels. " How about you Pellecus?".
" My Lord Lucifer" he said as he handed him a parchment. " Many of the teachers and students are for us".
" Good" Lucifer cackled as he wrote more names on the scroll.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 18, 2011

the Fall page 6

the Fall page 6 by ric gustafson.

For a long time, Lucifer worked on the Creation music and only his friend Serus saw him. He conferred with the Elders as it progressed.
One day, there was a knock on the front door. Serus opened it to reveal Lucifer's friend Kama.
" Kama, my dear friend" Lucifer said as he sniffed the pretty lilacs that he had around the mansion. " You are just the person I wanted to see".
" Lucifer, angels are asking about you" he said as he shook Lucifer's hand. " Everyone is wondering how the Creation music is coming".
" First of all, you can tell the Elders that the music is done".
" Already?".
" Yes". He gave his friend a serious look. " Something much more important than the music is on my mind right now".
" And what is that?".
" Have the Elders discussed about stewardship of this new Creation?".
" No but I heard that the Father, Son and Spirit will be totally in charge of everything regarding this Creation".
" I see" was Lucifer's reply as he contemplated that thought.
" I have been spreading your name to the various members of the Elders".
" Thank you my friend".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the story of Martha page 10

the story of Martha page 10 by ric gustafson

Martha could see the crowd leaving and her brother Lazarus talking to the Rabbi.
After a while he came back. " I have invited the Rabbi and his disciples to come to our house".
They quickly walked home and Mary was waiting for them.
" Mary, we are having guests for supper" she said as she smiled at her little sister. " Can you help me get ready?".
" Martha, who is coming?".
" Rabbi Jesus and his disciples, thirteen in all".
" Rabbi Jesus". Mary's eyes lit up. " The whole village is talking about him and his miracles".
" Mary, I need your help before they arrive".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Fall page 5

the Fall page 5 by ric gustafson

Michael stood in the Grand Square of the City and watched as angels walked by him heading toward different buildings of the Kingdom. He stood next to a wall of the House of Wisdom and began to relax after the busy events of Gabriel's celebration.
An angel walked up to him.
" Greetings Sangius" the archangel said as he gave him a quick hug. " How is the Minister of the Holy Flame doing today?".
" I am honored to be so near the Lord's presence" he replied as he lowered his voice. " But something is bothering me".
" What is that my friend?".
" Lucifer asked me to resign from the Council of Worship".
" Why is that?".
" I don't know but I resigned on my own".
" Sangius, what was going on in those meetings?".
" Lucifer was promoting himself instead of the Lord's ability to reign".
" Were the other angels believing him?".
" Yes Michael they were" he replied with a sigh. " That's why I resigned".
" Thank you my friend for your insight" Michael said as he gave him a goodbye hug.
As they walked away, Lucifer's friend Serus walked around the side of the building after overhearing the whole conversation.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, December 17, 2011

the story of Martha page 9

the story of Martha page 9 by ric gustafson

Martha stared at the Rabbi. He was tall and his hair was parted in the middle. His complexion was dark because of long hours in the sun. He had a thick beard that fell to his shoulders.
He was speaking to the Pharisee leaders. " I have come in my Fathers's name and you do not receive me, how can you believe and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God".
The Pharisee leaders began to murmur among themselves and give Jesus hard looks.
" If you believed Moses you would believe me because he wrote about me". " If you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?".
Lazarus turned to the man next to him. " The Pharisee leaders are upset with this Rabbi, what has he done?".
" He healed a man on the Sabbath".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

I pray that everyone has a great Saturday. Love Ric

Friday, December 16, 2011

the Fall page 4

the Fall page 4 by ric gustafson

Lucifer was walking down a street near the Great Hall of Assembly. He noticed a friend in the crowd. " Kara, what's going on?".
" My dear friend Lucifer" he said as he smiled with joy. " Haven't you heard the news?".
" What news?".
" Gabriel just proclaimed that a physical world called Creation is coming".
" Kara, I already knew that was coming".
" Lucifer, that is not the only big news".
" What other big news?".
" Gabriel wants you to come up with the Creation hymn".
" Me!".
" You are head of the music worship" he said with another smile. " The archangel and all the angels believe you can do it".
" Tell Gabriel they can count on me". He walked over and whispered softly into his friends ear. " Please inquire for me who they might have in mind to administer this new place called Creation".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Fall page 3

the Fall page 3 by ric gustafson

The assembled angels sat at a long table and watched Lucifer walk in.
" Welcome my brothers" he said as he quickly walked up to the table. " I just came from Gabriel's celebration because I am in charge of the praise music". He frowned at the assembled angels. " But something is bothering me".
" What is that?" asked Tinius.
" I have no choice but to do what the Most High tells me".
" Lucifer, we all follow God's commands".
" Tinius, hear me out". Lucifer began to walk around the table. " God, the Son and the Holy Spirit have always ruled from the Throne room". He stopped in front of the giant window and pointed out. " I perform the choir music just as I am told". " Sometimes I feel like a slave".
" Lucifer, we are not slaves" Tinius said loudly as he stared at the young man. " We serve God out of love and obedience".
" My dear Tinius" Lucifer replied with a grin as he rested a hand on his shoulder. " Is is world so perfect that God would not let us choose our own path".
All the angels looked at each other.
" My last comment" Lucifer exclaimed as he looked around the table. " If by chance God is not all perfect, what authority does he have over us".
The meeting adjourned.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Everyone have a great Friday evening. Love Ric

Thursday, December 15, 2011

the Fall page 2

the Fall page 2 by ric gustafson

Lucifer entered the Great Hall of Ceremony and quietly sat down in the choir loft. As the chief lord over worship, he was in charge of leading the choir. He raised his hands and thousands of angels began to sing their praises. After a while, a golden door opened to the side and twenty four Elders entered the room. The Chief Elder had a belt containing twelve large stones each a different color.
Michael and Gabriel approached the Great Throne. Lucifer led the choir into a loud frenzy. " Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty". The choir got louder. " Who was and is and is to come".
Smoke poured from the throne and enveloped Gabriel, Michael and the Elders.
A voice came from the smoke. " The Lord your God gives Gabriel full authority as archangel".
The voice continued. " He will be a ruling angel, wear the golden belt of majesty and the Sword of Truth as his insignia".
Gabriel stepped forward and then a ranking Elder put the golden belt around him and then presented him with the Sword of Truth.
Then the voice of the Lord thundered. " Let him who has been created to serve, serve with all of his heart, this is the will of the Lord".
" So be it" yelled all of the angels.
Lucifer quietly and quickly left the Throne room. Outside, he told Larus that he wanted to speak to the Council of Worship right away".

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Fall page 1

the Fall page 1 by ric gustafson

Lucifer gazed toward the Great Mountain of the North. He saw God's light streaming down the mountain. He turned toward a nearby mirror as he heard someone approach. He smiled as he studied himself. His name meant Light Bearer or the Star of the Morning. His eyes were blue gray and his hair shone in the sun as he wore his white cloak.
" My lord".
He turned to see his chief servant Larus. " Yes Larus".
" Michael is here to see you".
" I will talk to him".
" Yes my lord".
Lucifer followed the sevant through the beautiful mansion. Beautiful tapestries and mirrors filled the mansion and the light from the Great Mountain lit up the rooms. They walked into a chamber where the archangel was waiting for him.
" My dear brother" Lucifer said with a sly smile. " What a pleasant surprise".
The archangel was strong and built like a warrior. He had long brown hair, deep green eyes and carried a jewel encrusted sword. He was Captain of the Lord's Host and commanded respect.
" Lucifer, I'm here on official business" he said with a serious look as he stared at the chief lord over worship. " You and I need to plan a ceremony for the installation of a new archangel".
" A new archangel so soon after you achieved that positon". He gave his brother a strange grin. " Who is getting the honor this time?".
" Gabriel is becoming an archangel and becoming the Chief Messenger to the Kingdom".
After the planning session was over and Michael was on his way back home, he could sense a little bit of resentment and jealousy in his brother.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Monday, December 12, 2011

welcome to the spiritual armor store page 2

welcome to the spiritual armor store page 2 by ric gustafson.

Billy McGee heard the bell ring and knew that someone had walked in. He adjusted his nametag and then walked out. He walked over to where the young couple were looking at the men's clothes. " Welcome to the Spiritual Armor Store". " How can I help you?".
" My husband needs a new suit coat and pants for work purposes" she said with a smile. " Can you help us?".
" Sure, follow me over to this rack".
They walked over to a rack and began to search through the new suits.
" I like this one" Bruce said as he held up a new suit coat and a pair of pants. " I'll need a belt too".
" I have just the belt". He walked into the backroom and then came out with the strangest looking belt Bruce had ever seen.
" Try this one".
Later, Bruce came out of the fitting room with the suit coat, pants and the belt on.
" Billy, this belt fits perfectly" he said as he looked at his wife for her approval. " What's the belt called?".
" The Belt of Truth".
" Why is it called that for?".
" It represents truth, honesty and sincerity".

research help: ' Lucifer Exposed' by Derek Prince

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

welcome to the spiritual armor store page 1

welcome to the spiritual armor store page 1 by ric gustafson.

Bruce Wilson yawned as he watched his wife walk into the candle store. ' I hate shopping' he thought as people were rushing around in their Christmas shopping quest. He hated shopping in general and would rather be home watching football. He watched in amazement as she quickly came back out.
" I did not see anything interesting".
As they walked through the mall, in frustration Bruce shook his head. " I forgot I need a new suit for the out of town conference".
"Hopefully there is a men's clothing store in this mall".
They reached the end of the mall and then Irene stopped. She turned to her left. " This store looks like a men's clothing store".
The sign above the door simply said ' The Spiritual Armor Store".

I pray that everyone has a great Sunday. Love Ric.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ismay page 3

Ismay page 3 by ric gustafson

" Sir, what happened to that message?".
" I showed it to a couple of passengers and then gave it to Captain Smith".
" At what time did you notice that something was wrong on board?".
" At 11:40 pm, I was awake and heard a scraping noise that made me wonder if there was a problem with one of the propellers".
" Please continue Sir".
" I put on my slippers, walked out into the hallway and asked a steward what had happened".
" Did the steward know?".
" No, so I went back to my room, put on an overcoat and black trousers over my pajamas and walked to the bridge".
" Please continue Sir".
" On the bridge, I asked Captain Smith what had happened".
" What did he say?".
" He said that the ship had struck a berg". " Then I asked if the ship was damaged".
" What did the Captain say?".
" I am afraid it is".

research help: ' the sinking of J Bruce Ismay' by Frances Wilson

Happy Saturday to all. Love Ric

Friday, December 9, 2011

the return of the ding ding man

the return of the ding ding man by ric gustafson

Slowly he threw the snow up on top of the retaining wall. He stopped because the heavy snow had begun to hurt his back. ' Boy it's cold out here' he thought to himself as he blew on his gloved hands.
' Hot chocolate right now sure sounds good' he thought as he picked up another shovel full of snow and throwing it on top of the retaining wall.
He was stamping his cold feet when he heard the familiar sound. He smiled and walked over to the curb. He heard the ding ding and saw the plain white truck coming slowly down the street.
' Maybe he has some hot chocolate' he thought as he stepped out into the snowy street. The white truck stopped in front of his house.
The small serving window of the truck opened. " Can I help you?".
" Yes, I'm freezing and wanted to know if you had any hot chocolate".
The young dark bearded man, who was wearing a white parka, shook his head. " Sorry, no hot chocolate".
He blew into his gloved hands. " Do you have any hot drinks at all?".
" Sorry".
" So why are you driving around dinging that bell?".
" So I can tell people about the free gift that I have in my truck".
" What gift is that?" he asked as he stamped his feet.
" The free gift of eternal life".
" How do I get this free gift?".
" Simply believe in me".
" No hot chocolate".
" Sorry".
He shook his head and walked back to his shovel to keep working. " All I wanted was some hot chocolate".
Jesus, with tears forming in his eyes, closed his serving window and started the truck. He dinged the bell and continued his journey.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Is there anything in that bag for me?

Is there anything in that bag for me? by ric gustafson.

I stood in a dark corner of the mall and observed Santa Claus at work. This Santa was not dressed in typical red and a white beard. This Santa was young, black bearded and dressed totally in white. There was a long line of children getting on his knee and whatever they wished for, he always got it out of his never ending bag. This Santa is different I observed even though I'm not a Christian and don't believe in Christmas.
It was Christmas Eve and the line of kids never seemed to end. I observed that this Santa never got tired or irritable and always had a smile. I noticed he was a natural with children.
Christmas Eve was here and I was ready to go home just like any other night of the year. The Santa in white had just finished with the last child and his bag was now empty. Santa motioned me with his hand to come over. Why would Santa want a 24 year old to get on his knee?".
I walked over and got on Santa's knee. " Is there anything in that bag for me?".
Santa smiled at me. " What I want to give you is not in this bag".
" What gift is that?".
Santa gave me a hug. " The free gift of eternal life".
I walked away and contemplated this free gift.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Potter and the Clay page 2

the Potter and the Clay page 2 by ric gustafson.

Myron woke up and his eyes darted around the large room. There were several large windows and a fire crackled in a nearby fireplace. He noticed vases and pitchers on top of the mantel. Along the walls were wooden shelves filled with clay pots.
" Myron, how do you feel?".
" I hurt all over".
" You have cuts and scrapes and a bump on your forehead".
" Some young men beat me up".
The Potter picked up a broken clay pitcher from a shelf. " Myron, would you like to see my studio?".
" Sure".
They walked to the back of the house and through a large wooden door. Myron noticed that the studio was sparse.
The Potter put the cracked pitcher on a table.
" What are you planning on doing with that broken pitcher?".
Tears began to form in the Potter's eyes. " Because of sin, I'm going to crush this pitcher into dust and start over".

research help: ' Master Potter' by Jill Austin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ismay page 2

Ismay page 2 by ric gustafson.

Ismay cleared his throat. " I would like to express my sincere grief at this deplorable catastrophe". " I am here because we have nothing to conceal and nothing to hide".
" Sir, where was the ship built?".
" It was built in Belfast Ireland".
" Any comments on the way it was built".
" It was the latest thing in the art of shipbuilding, no money was spared in her construction".
Senator Smith stared at Ismay. " Sir, can you please describe your actions on the night of the sinking?".
" Sunday night April 14th, I was eating dinner in the first class restaurant with Dr William O Loughlin".
" Who is he Sir?".
" He is the surgeon of the White Star Line".
" Please continue Sir".
" Later, I retired to my stateroom and was asleep by 11:00 pm".
" Sir, were you aware of any ice warnings that night?".
" Yes, Captain Smith handed me a message that the liner Baltic had encountered icebergs and a lot of field ice about 250 miles ahead of us".

research help: ' the sinking of J Bruce Ismay' by Frances Wilson.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

a Golden Arch Christmas page 3

a Golden Arch Christmas page 3 by ric gustafson.

David took a bite of one of his cheeseburgers. " Job was optimistic even when everything bad that could happen to him happened". " Even though things look very bad right now, I'm going to remain optimistic".
" I am thankful that we are in here instead of out in that snowstorm" she replied with a reluctant grin as she sipped on her Coke.
" The bible says in all adversity and trials, God will always protect us and keep us safe".
" Ok David" she said with a sigh as the front door opened and a AAA truck driver walked in. " I will try hard to always stay optimistic".
" Sorry about the delay" the driver said as he shook snow off of his shoulder. " This blizzard is really causing a lot of problems for people tonight". The driver handed David a cell phone. " I heard about your cell phone and you can use mine to call your brother".
" Thank you". He walked away to do that.
A second AAA emergency driver walked in. " We have your car hooked up to be taken to town to be looked at".
Alice gave him a weak smile.
" We will also give you a rental car so you can still get to your Christmas Day destination".
" Praise be to God" Alice said out loud as David came back with a smile on his face.
" My brother found our cell phone so everything is all right".
"David, let's pray".
They lowered their heads and gave thanks for all the blessings God gave them and for always keeping them safe at all times.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, December 5, 2011

a Golden Arch Christmas page 2

a Golden Arch Christmas page 2 by ric gustafson.

" I would like three $ 1.00 Mcdoubles and a medium orange" David said to the tired teenage girl. " Alice, what would you like?".
" The number one combo" she replied in an annoyed voice as she brought napkins and ketchup back to the table.
He sat down and handed her a Big Mac and some fries. He put his double cheeseburgers in front of him and then looked at his watch. He raised his orange drink and smiled at his wife. " It is now past 12 midnight" he said with a smile. " Merry Christmas Alice".
" How could you ever call tonight merry?".
" Sweetheart, things could be worse".
" Worse" she yelled in anger as she threw her wrapper into her bag. " May I remind you that our car has broken down in a blizzard, we do not know how to get to my parents house and our only cell phone is missing". With anger on her face, she pointed a finger at her husband. " How much worse can it get?".
David took a bite of one of his cheeseburgers. " Even with all the strikes against us tonight, I'm going to be optimistic about everything".
" You can't be serious" she replied in a gruff voice as she put her empty french fry container into the bag. " Tonight has been a disaster".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ismay page 1

Ismay page 1 by ric gustafson

The door of the East room opened and a gentleman, who was wearing a new blue suit and a black scarf, walked in. The bodyguard next to him tried to protect him from the crowd of spectators who tried to come up to him. He sat down in the empty inquiry chair and waited.
At 10:30 am, Senators Smith and Newland arrived along with General Uhler of the steamboat inspection service.
" Can we have your full name?".
" J Bruce Ismay".
" Your age?".
" Fifty as of December 12th".
" Your occupation?".
" Shipowner and Managing Director of the White Star Line".
Senator Smith stared at Ismay. " Will you kindly tell this committee the circumstances surrounding your voyage, your experiences on board and anything else that would help this inquiry?".

research help: ' The sinking of J Bruce Ismay' by Frances Wilson.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a Golden Arch Christmas page 1

a Golden Arch Christmas page 1 by ric gustafson.

The storm's cold flakes coated his face as he slowly opened the heavy frozen door. David Munry opened it as his wife Alice barely made it through before the heavy winter wind closed it again.
" Did you bring in the map?" she asked as she rubbed her hands together for warmth. " I can't believe all of our bad luck".
He handed her the map as he felt inside his pant pocket for change. " I'm going to call and find out how soon they can get here". He came back a short time later. " Because of the blizzard, AAA is not sure what time they can get here".
" That's just great" she retorted in an angry tone as she studied the map. " It's Christmas Eve and you have no clue which exit it is to my parents house".
" First of all, I can't find my directions to your parents new house and I must of left our only cell phone at my brother's house".
" So what do we do now? she exclaimed loudly as she sat down at an empty table and felt exhausted.
David thought for a moment. " This McDonalds is open 24 hours" he said as he stared at the menu board. " I suggest we eat something and wait for AAA to come".

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball page 3

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball page 3 by ric gustafson.

As Sean walked through the cold biting snow to get his shovel out of the trunk of his car, he thought to himself why he was doing this for them. ' I could be warm inside the mall than freezing out here' he thought as he got the shovel and started walking toward the middle of the mall parking lot. He found the rusted covered Impala with it's front end stuck deep in a large snow bank. He shoveled the snow away from the beat up car, started the vehicle but was unable to move it away from the snow bank.
" Need some help" a young man, who was walking with his wife, inquired. They were walking toward the mall entrance and saw the predicament he was in.
At first, Sean was going to say no out of pride but knew he needed some help. " Sure" he replied as he relented his earlier feelings. " I'm trying to get this Impala out of this snow bank".
" I'll push from this door, if you will push from the hood". The young man opened the driver door and got himself ready. With the two pushing, it only took a couple of minutes to get the car out of the snowbank.
" Thank you" Sean said with a big grin as he shook the young man's hand.
" Your welcome" he replied as he and his wife started walking toward the mall entrance. " Happy holidays".
Sean walked back inside the mall entrance and saw the young mother and her little daughter huddled along a side wall. They looked tired and hungry. " I got your car out of the snow bank".
" Thank you" she exclaimed as tears came down her face. " Nobody else would help us".
Sean looked toward the food court. " Follow me". He took some bills out of one of his pant pockets. " Here is some money so you can buy something in the food court".
She hugged Sean. " Thank you".
He walked down the escalator and quietly got back in line to see Santa. When it got to be his turn, he got onto one of Santa's knees. " I don't want a bowling ball for Christmas any longer" he said as he shed a tear. " I've already received my Christmas wish".

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball page 2

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball page 2 by ric gustafson.

There were only two kids in front of Sean and now he was able to get a close look at Santa. He was larger than he had remembered but the red suit, the white beard and the Ho Ho Ho's were the same. The two kids ahead of him had left. Santa was now staring and giving Sean a strange look. He pointed at him and then Sean walked up and now stood next to him.
" You're a little older than the children I normally get" he said with a sigh as he motioned that Sean get on his knee. He slightly got on his right knee. " Ho Ho Ho" replied Santa as he winced." So what would you like for Christmas?".
Sean thought for a moment but already knew what he wanted to say. " All I want for Christmas is a bowling ball".
" A what!".
" A high performance bowling ball that works good on all lane conditions".
" Oh" Santa replied with a chuckle.
" A Hammer Brick would be nice".
" I'll see what I can do".
Sean got off of Santa's knee and then walked up the escalator toward the food court mall exit. As he put his gloves and stocking cap on, he could sense it was very cold outside. He opened the glass door and a young woman wearing a thin summer coat and holding the hand of a small little girl ran inside.
" Please help us" she screamed as both her and the small child were shivering from the cold. " My daughter and I have no money and our car is stuck in a snow bank outside". The young woman looked at Sean. " Somebody please help us".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, December 1, 2011

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball page 1

all I want for Christmas is a bowling ball page 1 by ric gustafson.

Sean Bartlett walked into the center of the mall feeling very dejected and depressed. As he walked with his head down, he did not notice the festiveness going on around him. As he walked by the Starbucks, he finally noticed huge decorated Christmas trees, tinsel and bright lights.
' Who cares about Christmas' he thought to himself as giggling children ran past him enjoying each other's company. ' I can't believe I let my team down in that last game" he thought as he walked toward one of his favorite stores. He looked back and noticed that Santa and four of his elves had arrived to bring good cheer to kids who were waiting around for him. A line for Santa was already forming by Starbucks.
" Great Santa Claus" Sean said out loud as he walked up the escalator to Border's Express so he could look at the new books. He walked over to the sports book rack and noticed instruction books on how to bowl. ' After all these years, I still bowl terrible' he thought as depressed feelings began to creep into his head. " It's just a stupid game" he said out loud in frustration as the lady next to him stared at him and then moved away.
He walked out of the bookstore into the busyness of the Christmas season. As he walked back toward the food court, he thought to himself if he only had the right bowling ball he could do better and help his team. He purchased a gourmet cookie from the cookie shop and sat down at a table overlooking the center of the mall. He watched down below as children were getting on Santa's knee and telling him what they wished for. He finished his cookie and then started walking down the escalator toward Santa and the elves.
An idea began to form in his head. He quietly walked to the end of the line of kids waiting for Santa.' I'll ask Santa for a new high performance bowling ball and then I'll feel better about Christmas and life' he thought to himself as the line began to move.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.