Monday, May 30, 2022

the end of days page 41

 the end of days page 41 by ric gustafson

Carlo was looking through some high powered binoculars. He smiled as he looked down toward the spectacular scene below.
" Just look at it Rory". He grinned at his young friend. " All the armies of the world into one One World army".
Rory looked through the binoculars. " Why do you want to do it Sir?".
" Why have I assembled the largest army this world has ever seen?". He smiled at his young friend. " I want to be the Christ of this world".
All of a sudden, the sky grew very dark. A streak of lightening reached across the sky. Then another streak crossed the previous streak. It resembled a cross.
" Sir, I don't like this". He handed the binoculars to Carlo.
" What is that?".
" It looks like a cross Sir". He gave him a concerned stare. " My mother talked about the cross of Christ".
 " The cross of Christ". He put down the binoculars. " Don't make me laugh".
" My mother warned me about that".
" Rory I promise you". He patted his shoulder. " Nothing will stop me from reaching my goal".

research help: ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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