Wednesday, May 11, 2022

the end of days page 26

 the end of days page 26 by ric gustafson

Rory along with some One World officials were standing next to a gurney. The person on it was covered by a white sheet. Rory spoke up for the group. " This is Dr Francine Evans". Rory smiled. " She is a loyal follower of Mr Simpato".
She pulled off the sheet. It was the stiff cold body of Carlo Simpato. " I was asked to exam your leader". She walked over to the head. She pointed. " A bullet went through the bottom of the neck". She paused. " It then went through the top of his head".
Rory looked at his leader. " Was it a single bullet?".
" Yes, it caused severe brain trauma".
" From one bullet?".
" Yes, it severed the spinal cord and destroyed the brain stem".
Rory could not believe his leader was dead.
Dr Evans put the sheet back over Mr Simpato.
Rory and the others walked out in disbelief.

research help: ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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