Thursday, May 26, 2022

the end of days page 38

 the end of days page 38 by ric gustafson

Carlo and Rory watched as people were being led behind a purple curtain. Then shortly they heard a thud.
" Thank you Rory for financing these enforcement devices".
Rory looked down below and frowned. " I see this I think about my mother".
" I know". Carlo looked down below. " You tried to convince her to do the right thing".
" Is there something you wanted to ask me Sir?".
" Yes Rory". Carlo gathered his thoughts. " Do we have enough money for one more huge One World rally?".
" I think so Sir".
" Good". He clapped Rory on the shoulder in joy. " I have big plans to go over with you".

research help: ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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