Monday, May 9, 2022

the end of days page 25

 the end of days page 25 by ric gustafson

Rory and others watched from the first row of the One World rally. Carlo confidently walked up to the lectern, He took a sip of water. He smiled at the audience.
" Tonight is a night to celebrate". He grinned. " After 1260 days, those two witnesses are no more".
Rory and the audience cheered.
" Our One World has prevailed". He smiled again. " Tonight, we dance and celebrate".
The crowd and Rory began to sing and dance in the aisles.
" So celebrate our One World". Carlo pointed at Rory. " Have a good time tonight".
Carlo walked down from the lectern toward the left side of the stage.
Just then, Rory heard a loud popping noise. He ran to the back of the stage. He saw that Carlo was sprawled on the stage with blood coming out from the top of his head. 
Rory fell on top of Carlo to shield him from another attack. Rory watched as a stretcher came. Carlo was quietly taken away. Rory went with the ambulance to the hospital. Later, Carlo would die from a gunshot to the head.
Rory was so distraught over his leader's death, he cleaned him up and put him into a glass viewing box. This way, all of Carlo's followers could file past him and pay homage to him.

research help: ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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