Tuesday, May 3, 2022

the end of days page 19

 the end of days page 19 by ric gustafson

Carlo smiled at the large crowd of followers. He was thirsty. He took a sip of water. He spit it out. It was blood. " Who did this?". He noticed the two witnesses in the back of the hall. He pointed to two One World guards who were right next to him. " Go to the back of the hall and shoot down those two".
The two guards quietly walked down the middle of the hall toward the two.
" Woe to the one who would threaten the vessel of the most High God".
As the guards approached the two, they got out their weapons.
" Woe to the imposter of the sealed followers of the Messiah".
When the guards reached a certain distance, they aimed their rifles at the two witnesses.
" You are doomed, your souls are beyond redemption".
The two guards pulled their triggers.
All of a sudden, white light burst forth from the mouths of the two witnesses. The light hit the two guards in the chest. They dropped their rifles. Their flesh vaporized. Their bones became ash.
Carlo's followers began to run away in fear and panic.
Carlo pointed a finger at the two in anger. " I will kill you both".

research help: ' Apollyon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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