Tuesday, May 10, 2022

I have called you friend page 2

 I have called you friend page 2 by ric gustafson

What is a friend?. Do you have genuine friends?. These friends are people you want to spend time with. And you make the effort to do so. You know their names and you know where they live. You know about their family and the jobs they had. 
A casual acquaintance is someone you do not go out of your way for. They are not part of your intimate social world. You may have friends online. Personality, sex and age may make a difference in how many friends we have. Being an extravert or introvert makes a difference. Your family makes a big difference in how many friends you have. We are more willing to help family than friends. Friendship is more costly to maintain than family relationships. 

research help: ' Friends' by Robin Dunbar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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