Sunday, May 1, 2022

the end of days page 17

 the end of days page 17 by ric gustafson

One day, Carlo was going over some One World financial projects. 
All of a sudden, his intercom beeped. He pushed the button. " Yes".
It was Rory. " Mr Simpato, I think you should see this".
He quickly walked down to a cramped weather room. There, Rory was looking at a One World global weather screen.
Carlo squinted at the screen. " What are those?".
" It looks like giant hailstones coming down from the sky".
Carlo sneered. " I've seen hailstones before".
Rory gave him a frightened stare. " With fire coming out of them".
Carlo looked again at the screen. " Rory, what is that?".
" It looks like blood pouring down from the sky".
Rory stared at Carlo. " My mother told me about the Trumpet Judgements".
" Rory, I will take care of you". Carlo banged a fist on a nearby table. " We will not be beaten".

research help: ' Soul Harvest' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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