Friday, May 6, 2022

the end of days page 21

 the end of days page 21 

Rory and Carlo were walking back to their vehicle. As they walked, Rory could hear a metal against metal sound. All of a sudden, out of the dark smoke of the night flew what to Rory looked like locusts. They were brown, black and yellow and looked hideous. They were five to six inches long. Their tails resembled scorpions.
Carlo and Rory ran for the car. As Carlo got near the car, several of the insects latched onto him. They began to sting him. He began to swat at them. " Rory, get them off of me".
Rory opened the car door. Carlo quickly got in. 
Rory opened the driver door to get in. Several of the insects latched themselves onto Rory. They began to bite him. Rory swatted them off of his face. Like Carlo, Rory's face was badly bitten.
Rory started the car and drove off.
" What are those insects Rory?".
" I don't know Sir?". He handed Carlo one of the dead insects. It had a horse shaped body. It had a two part abdomen. One of it's segments looked like a metallic breastplate.
At that point, Carlo knew where they had come from. He shook a fist at heaven. " You will not defeat me".

research help: ' Apollyon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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