Friday, May 13, 2022

the end of days page 28

 the end of days page 28 by ric gustafson

Sad, Rory and Mr Perrine began to walk away from Carlo's box. This was a sad day for the One World Global Community. Rory began to walk back to his car. Just then, he noticed a little movement coming from Carlo's box. 
" Mr Perrine". Rory smiled. " It's a miracle".
Both ran to the box. They looked in. Carlo's eyes were open. Both of them went down on their knees.
Carlo opened the top of the coffin and floated out. " Peace".
All of a sudden, a group of Carlo's followers gathered. They all got on their knees. " Praise Carlo".
A smiling Carlo outstretched his arms. " I have raised myself from the dead".
" Praise Carlo" Rory yelled.
" Do not be afraid". He grinned at his followers. " Come and worship me".
Rory stood up and began to dance with joy.
" Have good cheer". Carlo smiled. " Only God can come back from the dead".
Rory smiled with joy. His leader had come back.

research help: ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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