Sunday, May 8, 2022

the end of days page 23

 the end of days page 23 by ric gustafson

Rory stopped at the front door of his office building. He watched as a co worker ran across the street and tried to encounter the horsemen. The horse spewed flames from his nostrils which hit his co worker. The co worker became ash. Rory ran up to his office. He turned on the TV. He put an ice pack on his sore head. As he began to watch the national news, a One World reporter came on the screen.
" In reports coming in from all over the world, giant horses are spewing flames and sulfer". The reporter's voice hesitated. " The death count already is in the hundred of thousands".
Rory shook his sore head. He was so mad at God. He watched as a One World reporter was now at the Wailing Wall. The two witnesses were ranting as usual.
" This plague is to reach you by a loving God who is running out of patience".
A gathered crowd yelled at the two. " We love Carlo".
" Turn to God or you will have to stand before him".
The crowd yelled back. " We want Carlo go away".
Rory turned off the TV. He wanted to go home. His head hurt.

research help: ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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