Thursday, May 26, 2022

the end of days page 37

 the end of days page 37 by ric gustafson

Rory tried to reach the front door. He could not see a thing in front of him. He scratched the two sores on his leg. They were getting worse as time went on. He winced as he stubbed his toe on a small table. He knew the fourth bowl judgment had started. His mother had told him about Revelation 16. He winced as he stubbed another toe. " I hate you God" he muttered as he inched toward the front door.
" Rory". 
It was his leader's voice.
" Mr Simpato". Rory could barely speak. " I'm in Apartment 5".
He heard the door open.
" Rory". Carlo's voice hesitated. " Walk toward my light".
Rory could see a very small light at the open door.
He reached the front door. There was his leader with a small light.
" Thank you for finding me Sir".
" I told you I would always protect you". He turned around. " Follow me back downstairs".
Rory smiled as he followed his leader. He felt safe.

research help: ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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