Tuesday, May 24, 2022

the end of days page 36

 the end of days page 36 by ric gustafson

Rory watched as the woman came out of the application room. She was beaming and showing everyone her right wrist. " I got the mark".
" That's great". Rory gave her a hug. " And what is your name?".
" Charlene". She showed everyone in the line her right wrist. 
A young man, wearing a white robe and white sandals. stepped out of the line. " Woe to those who take the mark of the beast".
Rory calmly stared at the young man. " And who are you?".
" My name is Newman". He smiled. " I am one of 144,000".
" Well Newman". He pointed at the line. " You are bothering these fine folks who are about to receive the mark of my master".
" If you take the mark and worship the beast". Newman frowned. " You will drink of the wrath of God".
" Don't listen to him". He pointed toward the next room. " You know what the consequences will be".
A few followed Newman outside. The majority stayed in line for the mark of loyalty.

research help: ' The Remnant' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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