Friday, May 27, 2022

the end of days page 39

 the end of days page 39 by ric gustafson

" Mr Simpato". The leader of the African States shook his hand. " That rally was very inspirational".
" Thank you". Carlo put a map on an easel. " What I want to tell you now is even more important".
The leader of the Asian Countries smiled. " What is more important than a successful rally?".
" This is the Plain of Megiddo". He pointed at the map. " It is also called the Plain of Jezreel".
The leaders scratched their chins. " What does that have to do with us?".
" At this Plain, I will defeat the so called Messiah who has been sending these plagues".
" What do you mean?" asked one of the leaders.
" Thanks to the financial backing of my friend Rory". Carlo smiled at his young friend. " I plan to assemble the largest army in history".
" How do you plan to do that?".
" I want to destroy once and for all their God and his Son".
" What do you need from us?".
" Just your approval".
Rory and all the One World leaders shook their heads in approval.

research help: ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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