Sunday, May 29, 2022

Abide in Jesus: my story

Abide in Jesus: my story by ric gustafson

God loves us so much he wants our story to be full and complete. Our story is filled with love, pain, healing, sorrow, loss and triumph. Our lives are wounded and sometimes we ask God where are you?. But Jesus says come to me and I will heal and restore you. 
We all have a story. We have a past which includes present moments, thoughts and emotions. In the present we feel joy, fear and sorrow. Sometimes we try to shut out the pain of the present. But Jesus says give me your painful past and present. Jesus promises to give us a happy ending to our story. But first we must give him our painful past and present. Jesus promises heaven to those who believe in him. That promise is our happy ending to our story.

research help: ' Abide' by Heather Khym

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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