Tuesday, May 31, 2022

the end of days page 42

 the end of days page 42 by ric gustafson

Carlo, riding on a majestic black horse, addressed his troops. " My fellow One World soldiers". He stared at millions of soldiers. " Our time is now".
Rory was on a horse next to Carlo. " Nothing will stop us".
Darkness had covered the land for two hours.
" One World army". Carlo pointed ahead in the darkness. " Forward".
Carlo and Rory slowly rode ahead. Millions of soldiers, tanks and armored carriers close behind.
At one point, Rory noticed a bright light. It pierced the darkness. Rory put his hands over his eyes the light was so bright.
Carlo knew the source of the light. He turned toward his troops. " My One World soldiers the time has come". He raised a sword. " Fire on my command".
Just then, Rory looked toward heaven. His face became ashen with fear. Heaven was open. Then Rory saw his biggest fear. He saw in plain view a man on top of a white horse. It was Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God.

research help: ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 30, 2022

the end of days page 41

 the end of days page 41 by ric gustafson

Carlo was looking through some high powered binoculars. He smiled as he looked down toward the spectacular scene below.
" Just look at it Rory". He grinned at his young friend. " All the armies of the world into one One World army".
Rory looked through the binoculars. " Why do you want to do it Sir?".
" Why have I assembled the largest army this world has ever seen?". He smiled at his young friend. " I want to be the Christ of this world".
All of a sudden, the sky grew very dark. A streak of lightening reached across the sky. Then another streak crossed the previous streak. It resembled a cross.
" Sir, I don't like this". He handed the binoculars to Carlo.
" What is that?".
" It looks like a cross Sir". He gave him a concerned stare. " My mother talked about the cross of Christ".
 " The cross of Christ". He put down the binoculars. " Don't make me laugh".
" My mother warned me about that".
" Rory I promise you". He patted his shoulder. " Nothing will stop me from reaching my goal".

research help: ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Abide in Jesus: my story

Abide in Jesus: my story by ric gustafson

God loves us so much he wants our story to be full and complete. Our story is filled with love, pain, healing, sorrow, loss and triumph. Our lives are wounded and sometimes we ask God where are you?. But Jesus says come to me and I will heal and restore you. 
We all have a story. We have a past which includes present moments, thoughts and emotions. In the present we feel joy, fear and sorrow. Sometimes we try to shut out the pain of the present. But Jesus says give me your painful past and present. Jesus promises to give us a happy ending to our story. But first we must give him our painful past and present. Jesus promises heaven to those who believe in him. That promise is our happy ending to our story.

research help: ' Abide' by Heather Khym

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days page 40

 the end of days page 40 by ric gustafson

Carlo and Rory peered down at the Plain below.
" This Plain will be my final battle Rory". He looked at his young friend. " Do you know why we will win?".
Rory grinned. " Tell me Sir?".
" This Plain is large enough". He pointed. " And the Euphrates River has dried up".
" Very impressive Sir".
" This Plain can hold more troops, trucks and weapons than anywhere in the world".
Rory grinned. " How can we lose Sir".
" Thanks to your financial backing Rory". Carlo smiled at his young friend. " We cannot lose".
Carlo pointed up toward heaven. " I will finally defeat you".

research help: ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Abide in Jesus: a beginning and an end

 Abide in Jesus: a beginning and an end by ric gustafson

What is your story of  salvation?. Is your life part of a bigger picture?. Is God writing your story?. We experience right now but God has a bigger picture in view. We are right in the middle of our story. God is love. In the beginning was Adam and Eve. Because of their sin, we were lost. Then God began a plan for restoration. God made a unbreakable covenant with us. Jesus is our Savior.
The End is life with Jesus forever in heaven. There will be no more tears, no pain, no sorrow and all things will be made new. God will be one with us again. That will be our story. Praise God.

research help: ' Abide' by Heather Khym

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 27, 2022

the end of days page 39

 the end of days page 39 by ric gustafson

" Mr Simpato". The leader of the African States shook his hand. " That rally was very inspirational".
" Thank you". Carlo put a map on an easel. " What I want to tell you now is even more important".
The leader of the Asian Countries smiled. " What is more important than a successful rally?".
" This is the Plain of Megiddo". He pointed at the map. " It is also called the Plain of Jezreel".
The leaders scratched their chins. " What does that have to do with us?".
" At this Plain, I will defeat the so called Messiah who has been sending these plagues".
" What do you mean?" asked one of the leaders.
" Thanks to the financial backing of my friend Rory". Carlo smiled at his young friend. " I plan to assemble the largest army in history".
" How do you plan to do that?".
" I want to destroy once and for all their God and his Son".
" What do you need from us?".
" Just your approval".
Rory and all the One World leaders shook their heads in approval.

research help: ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 26, 2022

the end of days page 38

 the end of days page 38 by ric gustafson

Carlo and Rory watched as people were being led behind a purple curtain. Then shortly they heard a thud.
" Thank you Rory for financing these enforcement devices".
Rory looked down below and frowned. " I see this I think about my mother".
" I know". Carlo looked down below. " You tried to convince her to do the right thing".
" Is there something you wanted to ask me Sir?".
" Yes Rory". Carlo gathered his thoughts. " Do we have enough money for one more huge One World rally?".
" I think so Sir".
" Good". He clapped Rory on the shoulder in joy. " I have big plans to go over with you".

research help: ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days page 37

 the end of days page 37 by ric gustafson

Rory tried to reach the front door. He could not see a thing in front of him. He scratched the two sores on his leg. They were getting worse as time went on. He winced as he stubbed his toe on a small table. He knew the fourth bowl judgment had started. His mother had told him about Revelation 16. He winced as he stubbed another toe. " I hate you God" he muttered as he inched toward the front door.
" Rory". 
It was his leader's voice.
" Mr Simpato". Rory could barely speak. " I'm in Apartment 5".
He heard the door open.
" Rory". Carlo's voice hesitated. " Walk toward my light".
Rory could see a very small light at the open door.
He reached the front door. There was his leader with a small light.
" Thank you for finding me Sir".
" I told you I would always protect you". He turned around. " Follow me back downstairs".
Rory smiled as he followed his leader. He felt safe.

research help: ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

the end of days page 36

 the end of days page 36 by ric gustafson

Rory watched as the woman came out of the application room. She was beaming and showing everyone her right wrist. " I got the mark".
" That's great". Rory gave her a hug. " And what is your name?".
" Charlene". She showed everyone in the line her right wrist. 
A young man, wearing a white robe and white sandals. stepped out of the line. " Woe to those who take the mark of the beast".
Rory calmly stared at the young man. " And who are you?".
" My name is Newman". He smiled. " I am one of 144,000".
" Well Newman". He pointed at the line. " You are bothering these fine folks who are about to receive the mark of my master".
" If you take the mark and worship the beast". Newman frowned. " You will drink of the wrath of God".
" Don't listen to him". He pointed toward the next room. " You know what the consequences will be".
A few followed Newman outside. The majority stayed in line for the mark of loyalty.

research help: ' The Remnant' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 23, 2022

the end of days page 35

 the end of days page 35 by ric gustafson

Rory scratched the two sores that were on his lower left leg. He was sitting in a dark and cold military command post. On a video screen, he was watching three jet fighters heading toward a target. They were carrying powerful concussion bombs.
Just then, the door opened. His leader walked in.
" Hello Rory". He took a peek at the screen. " Are the planes near the target?".
" Sir, they are almost on top of the target".
" Good". Carlo clapped his hands. " I will destroy that remnant once and for all".
All of a sudden, Rory yanked off his headphones. " Sir, one of the pilots wants to talk to you".
Carlo put on the headphones. 
" Yes Captain". Anger covered his face. " What do you mean a water geyser eliminated the flames?". He tore off the headphones and threw it in anger on the floor.
" What happened Sir?".
" Apparently, their God sent a water geyser high enough to douse the flames of our bombs".
" What do we do now Sir?".
" We buy more loyalty mark enforcement devices". He stared up at heaven. " I will nor be defeated".

research help: ' The Remnant' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 22, 2022

the end of days page 34

 the end of days page 34 by ric gustafson

Carlo and Rory approached the steps of the Temple. Behind them were two soldiers dragging a huge pig. As they neared the entrance, an old man stopped them.
" You dare blaspheme God". An old man shook a bony finger in Carlo's face.
" Your God not mine". He pushed the old man away. " Who are you anyway?".
The old man smiled. " People call me John".
" Well John". He began to walk up some steps. " I have important things to do right now".
As Carlo and Rory walked past the Court of Women and the Court of Men, some priests were huddled in their path.
Carlo pointed a finger at them. " Will you bow down and worship me?".
The priests replied in unison. " No".
Carlo pointed to a guard. " Shoot them".
When Carlo and Rory reached the veil of the Holy of Holies, Carlo took a knife and sliced the veil in two. Then Carlo took the knife and slashed the pig's throat. Blood was splattered all over the altar of the Holy of Holies.
Carlo walked to a nearby window. He looked down below to a crowd of followers. More sores were on Rory and Carlo's followers. 
" Follow me" yelled Carlo.
Rory and the crowd yelled back. " We will follow you forever".

research help: ' Desecration' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 20, 2022

the end of days page 33

 the end of days page 33 by ric gustafson

Rory was listening to one of the One World chief officers. He was scratching a sore that had just started on his lower left leg.
" On behalf of Mr Simpato and the One World financial network". Mr Aasen smiled. " We wanted to thank Rory for all of his help with the loyalty mark project".
Rory kept scratching the sore. " You're welcome".
" Rory, we need your help again".
" Of course". Rory smiled. " I would do anything for Mr Simpato".
" Mr Simpato's next big project will take place in Jerusalem at the Temple Mount".
Rory grinned. " I will help with whatever you need".
Mr Aasen handed Rory some papers.
" It will involve the largest statue of Carlo Simpato ever designed".
Rory winced as he kept scratching the sore. " I'm ready".

research help: ' Desecration' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Duke page 1

 Duke page 1 by ric gustafson

John Wayne was born Marion Mitchell Morrison. His mother Mary Brown was born in 1885. Marion's father was Clyde Morrison. They were married in 1906 eight months before Marion was born. When Marion was born his father was a pharmacist's clerk at a drugstore in Winterset Iowa. In 1914, the family moved to California. They moved to Antelope Valley north of Los Angeles. Marion was seven at the time.
In 1916, the family moved to Glendale an LA suburb. 
By 1921, Marion was now nicknamed Duke. He entered Glendale High School. He grew to be taller than 6 foot tall. He was skinny, weighed only 140 pounds but made it onto the high school football team. In high school, Duke discovered westerns. His idols became Harry Carey and Tom Mix.
He began helping at Fox as an extra propman in 1927.
His parents divorced in 1929.

research help: ' John Wayne the man behind the myth' by Michael Munn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days page 32

 the end of days page 32 by ric gustafson

Rory walked into Building 2 of the Copper Creek application center.
" Right wrist please" asked a guard. He scanned it.
" I was told my mother is one of the female detainees".
The guard pointed down a hallway. " Down that way to the women's detention unit".
Rory walked down to what looked like a huge zoo cage.
A voice came from the cage. " Rory".
" Please open the cage". Inside was his trembling mother.
" Rory, please get me out of here".
Rory hugged her. " Mother, I talked to Carlo".
" Rory, I will not take the mark".
A guard came in. " Mrs Johnston, it's time".
" I'm sorry Mother".  Rory hugged her goodbye. " There's nothing more I can do".
His mother walked out with the guard.
" Rory, give your life to Jesus".
Later, Rory was walking out the building. He kept hearing a strange noise. The noise sounded like a constant thud.

research help: ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

the end of days page 31

 the end of days page 31 by ric gustafson

" Mom, where does the peanut butter go?".
" In the lazy Susan". She put some milk in the refrigerator. " Rory, what happened at the store?".
" Things have changed". He held up his right wrist. " You can't do much of anything without a biochip".
She stared at his wrist. " Rory, why did you do it?".
" I had to". He smiled. " Most of all I wanted to".
" Rory, I believe he is the Anti Christ".
" Mother, he is no Anti Christ". He sighed. " Look at all the great things he is doing around the world". 
Just then, the doorbell rang. Rory walked over and opened it.
" Hello Rory".
" Hello Marcus come in".
The One World officer walked in. " Rory, you probably know why I am here".
" Yes". He walked over and hugged his mother. " Mother, you need to leave with my friend here".
" Why Rory?". She began to cry. " Where is he taking me?".
" I am Carlo's right hand man". He grinned. " I will talk to Carlo tonight and get you out". 
" Get me out of where Rory". She looked at her son. " I will not take the mark".
" I promise I will get you out of there tonight".
" Promise me Rory".
" I promise".

research help: ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 16, 2022

the end of days page 30

 the end of days page 30 by ric gustafson

Rory was standing next to his mother near the cash register. He stared at his right wrist. The area where the bio chip was inserted was still tender to the touch. The bar code on top of the chip read ' c3769a'. He was the first to receive it.
A young female checkout clerk scanned all the groceries. When it was time to pay, the young ckeckout clerk held up her scanner. " Your right wrist please".
" What do you mean my right wrist?". She stared at her son. " I've been buying groceries her for years".
" I know Mother". He smiled and held out his right wrist. " I'll pay for these".
" Rory, what's going on?".
The young clerk scanned Rory's bio chip. She handed him a receipt. " Thank you ' c3769a'".
Rory and his mother began to walk toward the exit.
" What just happened Rory?".
" I'll help get your groceries home". He smiled. " And then I will explain everything".

research help: ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days page 29

 the end of days page 29 by ric gustafson

Rory sat in the conference room with other One World officials. Carlo handed each of them a packet of papers.
" Gentlemen, my next goal is that every man, woman and child will receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead". He grinned. " Those who refuse this mark will not be able to buy or sell anything".
Rory looked at the others.
" Everyone's mark will be unique, it will be their own". Carlo's voice hesitated. " If you will turn to page 2".
Rory turned the page. 
" Those who refuse my mark will deal with my enforcement device".
Rory stared at Carlo. " Guillotines?".
Carlo smiled. " I call it an enforcement device of last resort".
" So when is this going to start?".
" Soon". Carlo looked around the room. " So who among you would like to be the first to take the mark of loyalty to me?".
Rory and the others glanced at each other.
" Rory, how about you?".

research help: ' The Mark' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 13, 2022

the end of days page 28

 the end of days page 28 by ric gustafson

Sad, Rory and Mr Perrine began to walk away from Carlo's box. This was a sad day for the One World Global Community. Rory began to walk back to his car. Just then, he noticed a little movement coming from Carlo's box. 
" Mr Perrine". Rory smiled. " It's a miracle".
Both ran to the box. They looked in. Carlo's eyes were open. Both of them went down on their knees.
Carlo opened the top of the coffin and floated out. " Peace".
All of a sudden, a group of Carlo's followers gathered. They all got on their knees. " Praise Carlo".
A smiling Carlo outstretched his arms. " I have raised myself from the dead".
" Praise Carlo" Rory yelled.
" Do not be afraid". He grinned at his followers. " Come and worship me".
Rory stood up and began to dance with joy.
" Have good cheer". Carlo smiled. " Only God can come back from the dead".
Rory smiled with joy. His leader had come back.

research help: ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 12, 2022

the end of days page 27

 the end of days page 27 by ric gustafson

Rory walked over to the draped plexiglass box. It was positioned so everyone could view it. Two of Carlo's followers removed the shroud. Rory walked up to the glass. Carlo looked lifeless. He was dressed in a dark suit, dark shirt and a striped tie. A tear came to his eye. He could not believe his leader and friend was gone. Someone quietly walked up behind him.
" I know how you feel Rory". Marcus Perrine grinned. " I miss him too".
" I can't believe he's gone".
Mr Perrine smiled. " We are expecting thousands to view our leader this weekend".
Rory smiled. " As it should be".
" Oh Rory". Marcus's voice hesitated. " One World wants to thank your bank for all of it's continued support".
Rory smiled. " Let me know if you need more help".
" I will". He walked away.
Rory wiped sweat from his brow. It was already a hot day.

research help: ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

the end of days page 26

 the end of days page 26 by ric gustafson

Rory along with some One World officials were standing next to a gurney. The person on it was covered by a white sheet. Rory spoke up for the group. " This is Dr Francine Evans". Rory smiled. " She is a loyal follower of Mr Simpato".
She pulled off the sheet. It was the stiff cold body of Carlo Simpato. " I was asked to exam your leader". She walked over to the head. She pointed. " A bullet went through the bottom of the neck". She paused. " It then went through the top of his head".
Rory looked at his leader. " Was it a single bullet?".
" Yes, it caused severe brain trauma".
" From one bullet?".
" Yes, it severed the spinal cord and destroyed the brain stem".
Rory could not believe his leader was dead.
Dr Evans put the sheet back over Mr Simpato.
Rory and the others walked out in disbelief.

research help: ' The Indwelling' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

I have called you friend page 2

 I have called you friend page 2 by ric gustafson

What is a friend?. Do you have genuine friends?. These friends are people you want to spend time with. And you make the effort to do so. You know their names and you know where they live. You know about their family and the jobs they had. 
A casual acquaintance is someone you do not go out of your way for. They are not part of your intimate social world. You may have friends online. Personality, sex and age may make a difference in how many friends we have. Being an extravert or introvert makes a difference. Your family makes a big difference in how many friends you have. We are more willing to help family than friends. Friendship is more costly to maintain than family relationships. 

research help: ' Friends' by Robin Dunbar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 9, 2022

I have called you friend page 1

 I have called you friend page 1 by ric gustafson

Why do friends matter?. Friendship and loneliness are two sides of the same coin. We go through life from one to the other. Friendship not only makes us happy it is also good for our health, wellbeing and how long we will live. Friendships will help us with our health such as strokes and heart attacks. Friendship and community activities  Family is a special kind of friend. 
Our closest friends do a lot for us and we invest in them. We do not want to be alone we do not want to be lonely. Social isolation is not good for us. We need friends before personal storms come into our lives. Making friends requires effort and time. How many friends is enough?.

research help: ' Friends' by Robin Dunbar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days page 25

 the end of days page 25 by ric gustafson

Rory and others watched from the first row of the One World rally. Carlo confidently walked up to the lectern, He took a sip of water. He smiled at the audience.
" Tonight is a night to celebrate". He grinned. " After 1260 days, those two witnesses are no more".
Rory and the audience cheered.
" Our One World has prevailed". He smiled again. " Tonight, we dance and celebrate".
The crowd and Rory began to sing and dance in the aisles.
" So celebrate our One World". Carlo pointed at Rory. " Have a good time tonight".
Carlo walked down from the lectern toward the left side of the stage.
Just then, Rory heard a loud popping noise. He ran to the back of the stage. He saw that Carlo was sprawled on the stage with blood coming out from the top of his head. 
Rory fell on top of Carlo to shield him from another attack. Rory watched as a stretcher came. Carlo was quietly taken away. Rory went with the ambulance to the hospital. Later, Carlo would die from a gunshot to the head.
Rory was so distraught over his leader's death, he cleaned him up and put him into a glass viewing box. This way, all of Carlo's followers could file past him and pay homage to him.

research help: ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 8, 2022

the end of days page 24

 the end of days page 24 by ric gustafson

Carlo and Rory walked up to the fence. A large crowd had gathered. Carlo was holding a high powered rifle.
Carlo stared at the two witnesses. " Do either of you know what day today is?".
The two witnesses cried out. " Yes we know".
" Today is day 1261". Carlo walked up close to the two without fear.
" Where are your locusts?". He felt his face. " My face still hurts from their stings".
The two stared at Carlo in silence.
" Where are your horses that spew smoke and flame?".
The two witnesses were silent.
" And now I pronounce judgement". He cocked the rifle. " For the crime of preaching lies to my followers".
Rory and the crowd yelled. " Death, Death Death".
He walked up to the first witness and shot him in the back of the head. " The judgement is death".
" Death" yelled Rory and the crowd.
Carlo walked up to the other witness and shot him in the back of the head. He handed a nearby guard the rifle.
" Get rid of these two carcasses".
Three days later, a couple of followers were dancing around the bloody remains. They stepped back in horror when they heard a loud voice from heaven. " Come here". They watched as the two witnesses stood up and their bodies became transformed. They quietly rose up and vanished into a cloud.

research help: ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days page 23

 the end of days page 23 by ric gustafson

Rory stopped at the front door of his office building. He watched as a co worker ran across the street and tried to encounter the horsemen. The horse spewed flames from his nostrils which hit his co worker. The co worker became ash. Rory ran up to his office. He turned on the TV. He put an ice pack on his sore head. As he began to watch the national news, a One World reporter came on the screen.
" In reports coming in from all over the world, giant horses are spewing flames and sulfer". The reporter's voice hesitated. " The death count already is in the hundred of thousands".
Rory shook his sore head. He was so mad at God. He watched as a One World reporter was now at the Wailing Wall. The two witnesses were ranting as usual.
" This plague is to reach you by a loving God who is running out of patience".
A gathered crowd yelled at the two. " We love Carlo".
" Turn to God or you will have to stand before him".
The crowd yelled back. " We want Carlo go away".
Rory turned off the TV. He wanted to go home. His head hurt.

research help: ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 7, 2022

the end of days page 22

 the end of days page 22 by ric gustafson

Rory walked across the street to a small park near his office. It was lunch time and the park was a quiet place. He sat down at one of the park's wooden benches. He opened his paper lunch sack. He took out a ham sandwich and some carrot sticks. As he quietly ate, he felt his face. The damage from the locust stings had finally healed. The attack had left him very bitter toward God.
After Rory had finished his lunch, he began to smell a faint odor of smoke. All of a sudden, Rory was thrown off the wooden table. He hit the ground hard. Trembling, he took cover underneath the overturned table. He could not believe his eyes.
Next to the table was a horse twice the size of a normal horse. The horse was not touching the ground. Flames and smoke came out of it's nostril and mouth. The rider looked like he was ten feet tall. The rider wore a breastplate that was yellow, red and blue.
There were horses behind it as far as Rory could see.

research help: ' Assassins' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 6, 2022

the end of days page 21

 the end of days page 21 

Rory and Carlo were walking back to their vehicle. As they walked, Rory could hear a metal against metal sound. All of a sudden, out of the dark smoke of the night flew what to Rory looked like locusts. They were brown, black and yellow and looked hideous. They were five to six inches long. Their tails resembled scorpions.
Carlo and Rory ran for the car. As Carlo got near the car, several of the insects latched onto him. They began to sting him. He began to swat at them. " Rory, get them off of me".
Rory opened the car door. Carlo quickly got in. 
Rory opened the driver door to get in. Several of the insects latched themselves onto Rory. They began to bite him. Rory swatted them off of his face. Like Carlo, Rory's face was badly bitten.
Rory started the car and drove off.
" What are those insects Rory?".
" I don't know Sir?". He handed Carlo one of the dead insects. It had a horse shaped body. It had a two part abdomen. One of it's segments looked like a metallic breastplate.
At that point, Carlo knew where they had come from. He shook a fist at heaven. " You will not defeat me".

research help: ' Apollyon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 5, 2022

the end of days page 20

 the end of days page 20 by ric gustafson

Rory walked into the large room. He noticed several One World scientists looking through a large telescope. 
" Rory". He smiled as he stared through the telescope. " Come take a look at this".
Rory walked over to his leader. 
" Mr Stevens, can you explain to my friend what you have been telling me?".
" Sure". He handed Rory some data sheets. " For a while, we have tracking what I thought was just a shooting star". He gave Rory a troubled stare. " I was wrong".
Rory looked at the data sheets. " What do you mean you were wrong?".
" This object we could not identify slipped past us and hit the earth's surface".
" We are not sure of the location of the impact". He frowned. " We do know it caused a deep crevice".
" What else happened at impact?".
" Our data sheets show it has caused volcano like activity beneath the earth's surface".
Carlo looked at his friend. " Rory, what do you make of that?".
" I don't know Sir".

research help: ' Apollyon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

the end of days page 19

 the end of days page 19 by ric gustafson

Carlo smiled at the large crowd of followers. He was thirsty. He took a sip of water. He spit it out. It was blood. " Who did this?". He noticed the two witnesses in the back of the hall. He pointed to two One World guards who were right next to him. " Go to the back of the hall and shoot down those two".
The two guards quietly walked down the middle of the hall toward the two.
" Woe to the one who would threaten the vessel of the most High God".
As the guards approached the two, they got out their weapons.
" Woe to the imposter of the sealed followers of the Messiah".
When the guards reached a certain distance, they aimed their rifles at the two witnesses.
" You are doomed, your souls are beyond redemption".
The two guards pulled their triggers.
All of a sudden, white light burst forth from the mouths of the two witnesses. The light hit the two guards in the chest. They dropped their rifles. Their flesh vaporized. Their bones became ash.
Carlo's followers began to run away in fear and panic.
Carlo pointed a finger at the two in anger. " I will kill you both".

research help: ' Apollyon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 2, 2022

the end of days page 18

 the end of days page 18 by ric gustafson

Rory and Carlo walked up to the fence. 
Someone yelled from the nearby crowd. " Hail Carlo Simpato".
One of the witnesses cried out. " Woe to the enemy of the most high God".
Carlo grinned at Rory. " I am nor the enemy of God".
" A sword will pierce your head and you shall die".
Carlo stared in anger at the two witnesses. " I have had enough of your lies".
" Until the due time, you have no authority over God".
Carlo shook his fist at the two. " I shall win over you two".
" Who wins was determined before the beginning of time".
Carlo smiled at Rory. " We shall see".

research help: ' Apollyon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 1, 2022

the end of days page 17

 the end of days page 17 by ric gustafson

One day, Carlo was going over some One World financial projects. 
All of a sudden, his intercom beeped. He pushed the button. " Yes".
It was Rory. " Mr Simpato, I think you should see this".
He quickly walked down to a cramped weather room. There, Rory was looking at a One World global weather screen.
Carlo squinted at the screen. " What are those?".
" It looks like giant hailstones coming down from the sky".
Carlo sneered. " I've seen hailstones before".
Rory gave him a frightened stare. " With fire coming out of them".
Carlo looked again at the screen. " Rory, what is that?".
" It looks like blood pouring down from the sky".
Rory stared at Carlo. " My mother told me about the Trumpet Judgements".
" Rory, I will take care of you". Carlo banged a fist on a nearby table. " We will not be beaten".

research help: ' Soul Harvest' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days page 16

 the end of days page 16 by ric gustafson

Rory walked into his mother's apartment. She was sitting in her recliner reading her bible.
" Hello Mother". He gave her a peck on the cheek. " I see you are reading your bible".
" Hi Rory". She put down her bible. " I've been reading Revelation 8".
" What wrath is God throwing at us now?".
" Revelation 8:5 says an angel will take a censer, fill it with fire and throw it on the earth".
" And what will be the result of that?".
" Rory. it will be thunder and an earthquake".
" An earthquake?".
Rory shook his head. " Mother, do you believe all that?".
" Of course". She grinned. " Revelation 8 also talks about angels and trumpets".
" I need to go help Mr Simpato". He gave her another peck on the cheek. " I'll see you later".
" Rory, be careful". She gave him a fearful embrace. " I don't trust him".
" I'll be careful".

research help: ' Soul Harvest' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric