Friday, June 28, 2019

the sea shell on the gulf shore

the sea shell on the gulf shore by ric gustafson

One day, a seashell washed up on the gulf shore. It imbedded itself into the sand and stayed there. The seashell was one of God's creations. All the shells were a little different color and shape than the others. The seashell enjoyed the gulf waves and the seagulls flying around. The shell watched as people were swimming and children were making sand castles.
One day, the shell watched as people approached carrying plastic bags. The shell watched as his friends were being picked up. The shell cried ' pick me pick me". " Pick me" the shell cried as people walked by. " I am one of God's creations also". Day after day, he sat in the sand.
One day, someone stopped and put him into a plastic bag. He was taken to a home, washed and then reunited with some of his friends in a display case. The seashell was so proud to be one of God's creations. He was a seashell on the gulf shore.

research help:  Happy memories from the Gulf Shore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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