Sunday, June 23, 2019

Free in Jesus: Free to grieve

Free in Jesus: Free to grieve by ric gustafson

All of us grieve. There are events in our life that make us grieve. If we cannot grieve, we cannot be comforted. Jesus grieved. According to Isaiah 53:3, Jesus was a man of sorrows. The Sermon on the Mount starts with blessed are those that mourn. Jesus wept with Mary and Martha when Lazarus died. Jesus wept for Jerusalem. In the garden, Jesus wept for himself. We will all experience a tough season. But God who loves us so much says focus on me I have plans for you. Grief tears our heart wide open. We need to have faith and trust God to get us through the grief.

research help: ' You are Free' by Rebekah Lyons

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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