Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Operation Overlord page 3

Operation Overlord page 3 by ric gustafson

In 1944, the question around the world was would the ' Second Front' happen in Europe. So where would 5000 ships, 150,000 soldiers and thousands of paratroopers gather at?. The invasion was supposed to be in early May. It changed dates due to the landing craft. 
The Germans knew the invasion was coming. They thought the invasion would come at Pas de Calais. In England, 163 new airfields, 1500 tanks and two million tons of weapons and supplies. 
The invasion was planned for Monday June 5. The weather turned ugly. Eisenhower gave the ok for Tuesday June 6 as a go for the largest seaborne invasion to finally start.

research help: ' D Day' by Time

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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