Friday, June 21, 2019

Free in Jesus: Free to wait

Free in Jesus: Free to wait by ric gustafson

It is hard for us to wait. We want solutions and answers right now. We want to know God's master plan. What is God doing?. Waiting on God's timing is hard for us. God wants us to wait on him for everything. God says let go of the past and trust him with the future. The waiting on God is a gift from God.
Sometimes we wait on God and doors do not open. Did we do something wrong?. God says wait patiently and I will deliver on my promise of taking care of you. There will come a moment when God will say it's time. God will give us what we need. Praise God.

research help: ' You are Free' by Rebekah Lyons

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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