Wednesday, June 26, 2019

a car wash christian life page 4

a carwash Christian life page 4 by ric gustafson

According to Psalm 51, create in me a clean heart o God.
Your car is now in neutral and going down the track by itself. Water is coming out from both sides. All of a sudden, white foamy suds are now washing the car. As the car keeps moving, water washes off the suds. As it nears the end, a huge vent begins to dry off the car.
At this point, I wonder is my spiritual life spot free or not?. God is a jealous God and wants 100 percent of our heart. Still the sinful part of our heart holds back and wants it for himself. God washes all of us, He wants 100 percent of us at all times. After the car is dried, the exit is near.

research help: an original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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