Saturday, June 15, 2019

Free in Jesus: Free to be called

Free in Jesus: Free to be called by ric gustafson

Even before we were formed, God had plans for us. He already had a purpose for us. God knew everything about me and my life before I was born. God knew about the struggles I would have in life. God knew my heart would be broken and weak.
But God used my talents he had given me to balance my struggles. God has used me with my simple writing to help people all over the world. As a child of God, we have a corporate calling. We are to love him and make him known in this world. Everyone's calling is different. God gives us a call. I pray that we use the gifts he has given us all to do to accomplish his plan for us. Praise God.

research help: ' You are Free' by Rebekah Lyons

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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