Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Operation Overlord page 7

Operation Overlord page 7 by ric gustafson

The beach was nicknamed Omaha by the invasion planners. At 0630, troops in landing craft approached the beach. As the landing craft opened, German machine gun and mortar fire raked the landing troops. The high bluffs above Omaha beach was filled with 85 machine gun nests, 35 pillboxes and 8 gun batteries. These were all linked by trenches.
At first only a few men made it to the seawall. At 0730, General Norman Cota came ashore. He organized the few men at the seawall. At the top of the Omaha bluff, Cota and some troops captured Vierville only a quarter mile up the beach.
Down on Omaha Beach, the landing craft had stopped bringing in troops. The US Navy starting with the USS McCook began to bomb the German gun positions. By 1100, more troops were being dropped off at the beach. By 2230, more than 30000 troops had been dropped. More than 2000 American lives were lost during the landing. It was referred to as Bloody Omaha.

research help: ' D Day' by Time

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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