Monday, January 14, 2019

the Alamo miracle page 8

the Alamo miracle page 8 by ric Gustafson

Alan woke up. He heard the bugle. He shook Felipe. " Get up". His voice hesitated. " They're coming".
They watched as several rockets lit up the dark sky. They noticed hundreds of Mexican soldiers advancing slowly toward them.
" I'm scared Alan". Felipe stared at his friend. " I need your Jesus".
Alan watched as skirmishers tried to use one of the ladders to climb up the palisade. They were cut down by some of the defenders.
A petrified look came over Felipe. " Alan, I want to be saved".
A canon went off near their position. It cut down more of Morales's men.
" Felipe, first you must confess to Jesus that you are a sinner".
Alan was now pointing his rifle at the advancing Mexican troops.
" Now you must tell Jesus that you repent of your sins".
The Mexican army was now only 50 yards from the palisade wall.
" Now, ask Jesus to come into your life".
:Felipe closed his eyes. " Jesus come into my life". He began to cry.
Alan hugged his friend as a musket ball went by one of his ears.
" Felipe, welcome to the Body of Christ".
They hugged again as they noticed Mexican soldiers begin to climb up the wall.
They smiled as they leveled their muskets at the top of the wall.

research help:  ' Line of Glory' by Thomas D Clagett

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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