Monday, January 21, 2019

Room 110 page3

Room 110 page 3 by ric Gustafson

December 9  1944.

General Patton was sitting on a wooden chair.
" I am greatly concerned General".
" Why is that Colonel?".
Patton's top intelligence officer was studying a large map. " I think Hitler is up to something".
" I hope not Oscar". He grinned. " I'm going to initiate Operation Tink in ten days".
" Sir, my contacts have been busy gathering information".
Patton leaned forward in his chair. " And what is your conclusion?".
" That Hitler is increasing troop movements near the German border".
Patton frowned. " The Ardennes?".
" Yes Sir". His voice hesitated. " My contacts estimate five Panzer and thirteen infantry divisions are massing near our weakest point".
" Right at our northern flank".
" Yes Sir".
" If that happens". He got up and walked over to the map. " We will abandon our offensive and go help General Hodges".

research help: ' Killing Patton' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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