Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Jesus"s parables: the parable of the sower

Jesus's parables:  the parable of the sower by ric Gustafson

Jesus explains that a farmer went out to sow some seed. The seed is the gospel of the kingdom. The soil is the human heart. Some seed was trampled along the path. The seed falls along the path and the birds scoop it up. Some of the seed falls on rocky ground and fades quickly. This seed had no root. The trampled seed represents a hardened heart. The rocky seed represents a shallow heart. Then some seed falls and is strangled by thorns. This represents a strangled heart. Lastly, some seed falls on good soil. This represents an open heart. The question is what soil are we?

research help: ' The Parables of Jesus' by James Boice

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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