Tuesday, January 15, 2019

the Alamo miracle page 10

the Alamo miracle page 10 by ric Gustafson

Felipe heard the bugle. " Alan, look".
His friend looked in horror as hundreds of Mexican soldiers were now climbing the north wall. Both men shot at every Mexican soldier they saw.
Just then, some men joined them from the courtyard. " We are Crockett's men". He grinned. " We ran the Mexicans away from the south wall. He frowned. " I'm sure they will be back". He smiled. " We have come to give you assistance".
Alan, Felipe and Crockett's men shot at all the soldiers trying to reach over the wall.
They did not notice Morales and his men quietly advancing toward the south west corner of the Alamo. Using two ladders, they climbed up the south wall. They encountered no resistance. At the top of the wall, Morales peered below. He noticed the rebels who were cutting down his men under Oradaz.
He raised his sword. " Fire on those rebels".
Those around the cannon heard Morales. They turned in horror. They were now surrounded.

research help: ' Line of Glory' by Thomas D Clagett

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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