Wednesday, January 16, 2019

the Alamo miracle page 11

the Alamo miracle page 11 by ric Gustafson

Morales and his men were now surrounding the two cannon in the courtyard. He heard a noise behind him. A young rebel boy was about to plunge a knife into his back. Then one of his soldiers butted his rifle into the boy's face. The boy ran away.
Alan and Felipe ran past burning barracks toward the west wall. They knew that the north wall was already lost,
Morales grinned as he watched his soldiers break through the front gate.
Alan and Felipe ran past the courtyard cannon. Several dead bodies were around it. One of them was their friend Crockett. Blood was pouring out from three chest wounds.
" He was amazing". Alan exclaimed. " I thought he was already dead".
They ran into the old convent.
Morales and his men pulled up two cannons to the front wooden door.
Alan looked out a window to see the Mexican flag flying over the Alamo.
He knew the end was near.

research help: ' Line of Glory' by Thomas D Clagett

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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