Saturday, May 27, 2017

the closing of Rainbow Lanes page 4

the closing of Rainbow Lanes page 4 by ric Gustafson

The Creator smiled. " I put the bow in the rain clouds so that when it rains". His voice hesitated. " I will remember my covenant  with my people".
I threw my ball and knocked down seven pins. " So the rainbow has to do with the Flood?".
" Yes, I was sick and tired of the earth  with everybody seeking other gods". He threw his ball and got another strike. " Only Noah and his family pleased me". He smiled again. " So I asked him to build me a big boat".
" The ark".
" Yes, he and his family and lots of animals were saved. His voice hesitated again. " After the flood, I put the bow in the sky to remind myself  of the covenant with my people not to send another one".
I threw my ball and picked up the spare. " Thank you, I'm beginning to understand". I threw one more ball. I noticed the game was over.
" Thank you for bowling with me Ric". He smiled. " And thank you for caring about my creations".
He hugged me. He walked up to the counter to pay for the bowling.
The Creator and I walked outside. The rain had stopped. I glanced up at the rain clouds. Just then, a beautiful rainbow of different colors appeared.
" So that bow reminds you of your covenant with your people".
" That's right". He smiled. " It's a reminder to me and a promise to those who look at it".
" Like me".
" Joy comes to my heart when I see people enjoying my creations".
The Creator hugged me again. " Go in peace".
Ric got into the Saturn and drove off into beautiful sunshine.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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