Friday, May 26, 2017

the closing of Rainbow Lanes page 3

the closing of Rainbow Lanes page 3 by ric Gustafson

I walked in and noticed how busy it was. It looked like all the lanes were full of kids, families and birthday parties. I glanced at Lane 15. I smiled because I knew who was bowling. It was the Creator. He was an elderly gentleman with a gray beard. He smiled at me. He waved me over to his lane.
" Hi Ric". He gave me a big hug. " Would you like to bowl with me?". He threw his ball and got a strike. " I don't like to bowl alone".
" Sure". I took out my bowling ball and put it in the ball return. I put on my bowling shoes. " There's something I wanted to ask you about".
He threw his ball and got another strike. " What's that?".
I threw my ball and got seven pins. " I wanted to ask you about the beautiful rainbow I saw as I came in".
" I'm glad you asked". He frowned.  " Most people don't even pay much attention to it".
I threw my ball and picked up the spare. " It's so beautiful to look at after it rains".
He threw his ball and got another strike. " I'll answer your question Ric".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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