Thursday, May 18, 2017

people in the Bible: Barnabas

people in the Bible:  Barnabas by ric Gustafson

Barnabas means ' Son of Encouragement'. Barnabas in the bible was an encourager. He was a Levite from the island of Cyprus. He was known as Joseph or Joses but his nickname was Barnabas. He sold some land and gave the money to the Jerusalem apostles. Later, he went to Antioch to instruct others in the Word. He went to Tarsus to find help. There he met Paul.
Do you need encouragement today?. Do others you know need encouragement today?.
Be that person like Barnabas. Praise God.

research help: ' People in the Bible' by Woodrow Kroll

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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