Monday, May 1, 2017

Matthew page 11

Matthew page 11 by ric Gustafson

Efah ran into Levi. The senior tax collector was quickly leaving the office.
" Where are you going?".
Levi pointed toward the crowd running by. " To hear that carpenter from Nazareth speak".
Efah gave him a big frown. " What about our business today?".
" It'll wait". He ran out and joined the growing crowd.
At the foothills, Levi finally noticed the carpenter. He was surrounded by twenty men. Some of them were the fishermen that he had made that special deal with. Now, he was able to closely study this man. He was plain looking, medium height and build. He had long hair and a beard. To Levi, this man did not appear to be striking or handsome.
Levi was sitting next to a large rock.
All of a sudden, Jesus and some of his followers were standing next to him.
Jesus smiled. " Would you mind if I sit here and address this crowd?".
" Of course not". Levi stood up and moved to a different rock nearby. He was now only four feet from the carpenter
Levi was now anxious. The carpenter was about ready to speak.

research help: ' Matthew's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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