Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mark page 2

Mark page 2 by ric Gustafson

John Mark frowned as he filled water from the well. He still did not understand what he was doing there. At the appointed time, the two men approached. On the shoulder of a burly fisherman was a dead lamb. They followed behind John Mark. As they approached a house, they smiled as Mary came out to greet them.
Mary took them inside to a great room. She poured water into a basin and washed their feet. She dried them with a towel. They put their sandals back on.
Peter smiled at Mary. " The Teacher asks where is the guest room in which he may eat Passover with his disciples?".
John Mark led the two up an outer staircase to a large upper room. Servants were setting up a wooden preparation table filled with knives, bread dough, wine and bitter herbs. Servants brought dried fruits, spices, nuts, dates and a goblet of vinegar.
Simon, Thomas and Philip arrived first. Then Matthew and Judas Iscariot. Then James, the other Judas and then Bartholomew came. Then Jesus, Andrew and the other James arrived.

research help: ' Mark's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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