Wednesday, January 25, 2017

the miracle on Titanic page 19

the miracle on Titanic page 19 by ric Gustafson
Thurs April 11 1912  3:15 pm
David and Charlene walked out of the lift.
" David, where are we?".
They walked down some iron stairs. They turned a corner. They came upon a very dark noisy room. The noise was dreadful.
David yelled. " This is the turbine engine room".
Stokers covered in soot were shoveling coal into the furnaces.
They opened the door to the lift just as Captain Smith was getting out.
" Good afternoon Captain". David shook his hand. " I'm David Sharpston".
" Yes, I had the opportunity to meet your mother earlier". He smiled at Charlene. " And who is this pretty lady?".
" I'm Charlene Moton".
" Captain, I have heard that this ship is unsinkable".
" This ship has sixteen watertight compartments". He smiled. " If we strike something, we can automatically close those doors and seal off the water".
David grinned. " Very impressive Captain".
Captain Smith began to walk toward the engine room. " Enjoy your afternoon".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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