Sunday, January 22, 2017

Bus 203 page 2

Bus 203 page 2 by ric Gustafson

It was Wednesday May 11 1960. Two cars were waiting for Bus 203 to arrive. It was late which was unusual. For three weeks, the bus had arrived at this bus stop at 7:30 pm. It was 7:40 and the men inside the two cars were starting to worry. The two vehicles were parked on the corner of Route 202 and Garibaldi Street. They had been casing the small brick bunker house for three weeks.
The plan was that when the suspect walked off the bus, he would be directed to one of the vehicles. The driver would give the impression that the car had broken down. Two other men would try and work on the engine and entice the suspect to help them. Then they would kidnap him.
At 7:44 a bus went by. It was the wrong bus. At 8:05, Bus 203 stopped at the corner where the men were waiting and hoping. Two people got off. A woman walked off in the opposite direction. The other person a male began to walk toward Garibaldi Street.
The men in the two vehicles were hoping the man was Adolf Eichmann.

research help: ' Hunting Eichmann' by Neal Bascomb

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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