Saturday, January 21, 2017

God's Love: the measure of God's love

God's Love: the measure of God's love by ric Gustafson

As Christians, it is difficult to ask God for something beyond what we think we deserve. God is able and willing for us to know his love.
So why do we forget the fullness of God's love. First, we feel guilt. We feel that we don't deserve God's love. The truth is that Jesus has taken our guilt away. Second, we carry baggage with us. God loves us unconditionally. He always has. He always will. Third, we compare ourselves with others. Thus we feel unworthy, unloved and undeserving.
How wide is God's love?. Wide enough for the whole world he has created. What is the length of God's love?. God loved us so much that he gave his Son's life for us. What is the depth of God's love?. Whoever believes in him will be saved. What is the height of God's love?. God has given us eternal life. Praise God.

research help: Turning Points February 2017

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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