Saturday, January 28, 2017

the investment pitch page 4

the investment pitch page 4 by ric Gustafson

Bryce sat down next to Mrs Englebart. " First of all, I enjoyed looking at the family pictures on your entertainment center".
" Thank you Mr Whiteriver". She gave him a broad smile. " Most of them are my late husband Edgar".
" Mrs Englebart, are you a Christian?".
Neo frowned. " You don't have to answer that".
" Yes, I am".
" That's great". He smiled. " You already possess the only investment choice the Bank of Heaven offers".
She gave him a confused stare. " I do".
" It's called an investment in Eternity".
" Mr Whiteriver, I don't understand".
" Mr Blackson over here". He pointed at his adversary. " He has been trying to sell you treasure on earth". " Mrs Englebart, as a member of Christ's kingdom". He put a loving arm around the elderly woman. " You are laying up treasure in Heaven".
She smiled. " So I am investing in Eternity".
" That's right".
She turned to Neo. " Mr Blackson, I have decided to invest with the Bank of Heaven".
" Fine". He put his file back into his black briefcase. He walked toward the front door. " Bryce, hopefully I won't see you again".
Bryce grinned at his adversary. " Neo, you never know".
He sneered and then walked out.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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