Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Heaven: will we be bored there?

Heaven: will we be bored there? by ric Gustafson

There are many people who believe that heaven will be a boring place. Some people believe that hell would be a better place to be. That could not be more wrong. Hell is a place of torment and isolation. God is not present there. Because of that, there is no joy present there. Some people believe that God id boring so heaven must be boring.
Some Christians believe that their life is boring so heaven must be boring. Life will not be boring in heaven. We will help God run the universe. We will have new bodies, renewed minds and we will be full of vision and energy. God created us for good works. We will serve God in heaven.

research help: ' 50 days of Heaven' by Randy Alcorn

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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