Sunday, March 30, 2014

Moses page 21

Moses page 21 by ric gustafson

Moses was resting under a tree when he heard the voice.
" Tell Pharaoh to let my people go".
" He hasn't listened to me yet".
" If he refuses, I will plague his country with frogs".
Later, Moses stood before Pharaoh and delivered the message.
Pharaoh pointed a finger at Moses. " I will not let them go".
As Moses left the outer court, swarms of frogs were already forming. They swarmed so fast nobody could walk without stepping on one. The Egyptians began to grumble because the frogs invaded their homes and they were noisy and smelly.
After a while, Pharaoh could not take it any more. He demanded to see Moses and Aaron.
When the two stood before Pharaoh, he held up a frog by it's legs. " Take these frogs away from me and my people and I will let your people go".
Moses grinned. " I will do as you request so you will know that there is no one like our God".
All the frogs died except the ones in the Nile.
Later, Pharaoh smiled because all was well again. He sneered as he looked up to the sky. " Never will I let the people go".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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