Saturday, March 22, 2014

Goliath: facing loneliness

Goliath: facing loneliness by ric gustafson

What is loneliness?. Some call it a sick feeling and some anxiety. Sometimes a certain song or an old memory can trigger it. Sometimes it is a longing for completeness and for some a subtle stress that eventually wears you down.
Who can be lonely?. Some single people become lonely along with some spouses. Losing a soul mate can be lonely along with being a senior citizen. Physical sufferers can get lonely along with servants of God.
There are examples of lonely people in the Bible. King David was lonely along with Jeremiah the Prophet. The Apostle Paul was lonely at times.
How can we deal with loneliness?. First, we need to acknowledge our loneliness. We need to be honest about our feelings. Second, we need to accept God's provision for our loneliness. Only God can solve our problems. Third, we need God's Word to fill our mind and heart. Lastly, we need our Christian friends because loneliness is a choice.

research help: ' Slaying The Giants In Your Life' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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